Black man Gregory Frazier shot dead by police in his backyard in Florida

Well I'm black in the sense that main stream science says we all came from evolved from Africa

And besides isn't that the common theme for today's political environment ?

Today I feel like I'm a black man, Mabey tommarow I'll be a Chinese girl and go to Wal-Mart to take a piss
one dot for one year in one city does not a trend make. violent crime is way, way down under obama.

and you are a stooge.

funny, because you too a shot at gun control policies. ya know, before i called you out for cherrypicking and lying like the little stooge that you are.

ok, lets use your logic, that Chicago has such a high murder rate because even though they have extremely strict gun laws, Indiana has lax gun laws and is close to them.

Indiana has 5 homicide per 100k, Chicago is about 30 homicides per 100k. So, based on your logic, Chicago has high gun deaths because they are close to a state with lax gun laws. However, the state in question has 6x less murder rate, so the solution would be for Chicago and Illinois to remove their strict gun laws and be more like Indiana. Of course I know you don't believe this, I am just pointing how your argument is ridiculous. Keep studying up on DailyKOS and ThinkProgress, though I'm sure you "learn" a lot of other interesting things.

Also, even based on your chart, a spike to 20 year previos levels, is not just a statistical "abnormality," since none of the preceding years had spikes or dips similar to that.

Don't you care about those Black Lives? Chicago seems like ground 0 that we should be concerned about for #BlackLivesMatter , but BLM and folks like you are silent on that, so I think that's why yall might be full of bullshit! You just use BLM as a political tool at your disposal when it is convenient and benefits you.
Poor guy eating lunch at home but gets shot to death for neglecting to drop a pocket knife? Meanwhile drunk white dudes be waiving guns around dairy queen in michigan and the cops blow it off like its a normal occurrence.. If i gotta kill somebody for eating chicken then fuck my job and my life...
ok, lets use your logic, that Chicago has such a high murder rate because even though they have extremely strict gun laws, Indiana has lax gun laws and is close to them.

Indiana has 5 homicide per 100k, Chicago is about 30 homicides per 100k. So, based on your logic, Chicago has high gun deaths because they are close to a state with lax gun laws. However, the state in question has 6x less murder rate, so the solution would be for Chicago and Illinois to remove their strict gun laws and be more like Indiana. Of course I know you don't believe this, I am just pointing how your argument is ridiculous. Keep studying up on DailyKOS and ThinkProgress, though I'm sure you "learn" a lot of other interesting things.

Also, even based on your chart, a spike to 20 year previos levels, is not just a statistical "abnormality," since none of the preceding years had spikes or dips similar to that.

Don't you care about those Black Lives? Chicago seems like ground 0 that we should be concerned about for #BlackLivesMatter , but BLM and folks like you are silent on that, so I think that's why yall might be full of bullshit! You just use BLM as a political tool at your disposal when it is convenient and benefits you.
That's pretty much the textbook definition of an outlier.