Ban Cowardly Cops

You are thinking of a .308 and most likely the cop had a .40cal. One hollow point would have probably put that kid on his ass. One clear shot would have been all that was needed.
with all the kids running around? how's he gonna get a clear shot?

and what if the kid had body armor on? you think the cop could hit his cranium from 15meters with all the chaos? nope.
you elitist snobs

here's the piece of shit whose victory you literally celebrated alongside several avowed white supremacists

You are thinking of a .308
308 would be even better but 223 isnt' bad.
take a gander:
Well, there are a few questions here to be answered. The first is the obvious, how effective is a .223 against moving vehicles.

One of my jobs is to review foreign claims submitted by Iraqis under the Foreign Claims Act. In doing my job, I see hundreds of photos from Soldiers shooting disabling shots at vehicles - cars, pickup trucks and vans. I'm here to tell you that the .223 does a pretty fine job at making people and vehicles dead. It easily punches through doors, windows, seats, etc. and I've seen the damage it does to the human occupants. And while I've never seen the inside of an engine and haven't measured the stopping distance, the .223 appears to be pretty effective at disabling the mechanics of a car in addition to the drivers and passengers. Shots to the driver compartment, engine and tires seem to immobilize cars rather quickly. Sure, sometimes it's coming from a SAW, but many times just your plain old M4 semi-auto.

From personal experience, I've shot my AR15 .223 through rather thick scrap pieces of steel and iron and am pretty confident in its ability to move through all but the thickest parts of the car without even slowing down. I would be confident that the .223 could punch holes in the engine block.

^^^not me btw
"i will shoot you with my gun" is a pretty stupid argument for your pro-gun slaughter side to take.

plus, the government has far more resources than you ever will. your disabled ass would be dead in a pile of blood clutching that phallic replacement of yours, tough guy

I didn’t take a side. And I never said anything about me.

You can’t read too good. Lol
308 would be even better but 223 isnt' bad.
take a gander:
Well, there are a few questions here to be answered. The first is the obvious, how effective is a .223 against moving vehicles.

One of my jobs is to review foreign claims submitted by Iraqis under the Foreign Claims Act. In doing my job, I see hundreds of photos from Soldiers shooting disabling shots at vehicles - cars, pickup trucks and vans. I'm here to tell you that the .223 does a pretty fine job at making people and vehicles dead. It easily punches through doors, windows, seats, etc. and I've seen the damage it does to the human occupants. And while I've never seen the inside of an engine and haven't measured the stopping distance, the .223 appears to be pretty effective at disabling the mechanics of a car in addition to the drivers and passengers. Shots to the driver compartment, engine and tires seem to immobilize cars rather quickly. Sure, sometimes it's coming from a SAW, but many times just your plain old M4 semi-auto.

From personal experience, I've shot my AR15 .223 through rather thick scrap pieces of steel and iron and am pretty confident in its ability to move through all but the thickest parts of the car without even slowing down. I would be confident that the .223 could punch holes in the engine block.

^^^not me btw

Actually it would depend on what kind of ammo we are talking about here. Regardless the cop is a coward and partially responsible for the body count.
yes you did.

you took the side of "i will shoot the government people with my gun if they try to enforce laws that keep our children safe" side, you pathetic brokedick welfare bum

No I didn’t. I said others would take that position. I said I was unarmed.

I also have told you many many times that I have not claimed permanent disability and take care of my family and property.

You don’t read too good huh? Lol