Ban Cowardly Cops

here's the piece of shit whose victory you literally celebrated alongside several avowed white supremacists


how do you think they got her sleeve to puff out that way?
I said above that my friend who is a psychologist told me this.
JAMA just released a study stating that ssri's are no more effective than placebo's in treating the bulk of conditions they are prescribed for. I suspect this is what is fueling the demise of ssri's, along with the fact we still cannot test serotonin levels without cutting into a brain, so it really is all guess work with no scientific teeth.
JAMA just released a study stating that ssri's are no more effective than placebo's in treating the bulk of conditions they are prescribed for. I suspect this is what is fueling the demise of ssri's, along with the fact we still cannot test serotonin levels without cutting into a brain, so it really is all guess work with no scientific teeth.
did an SSRI rape you or something?
anti depressants are not mind altering and they allow millions of people every day to be functioning members of society. reuptake of serotonin isn't mind altering. serotonin makes you feel better and the medicine allows you extra serotonin- your own brain chemical. i believe misdiagnosis plays a bigger part. kids are not always truthful. getting you the right medicine can be tricky.

what's crazy is the exposure this kid had to law enforcement over and many opportunties.
SRI's are serotonin reuptake inhibitors and are mind altering.

They're also only effective temporarily.

They're really bad shit and positively correlate with uncharastically violent or suicidal events.

That's my one post for the week, enjoy!
SRI's are serotonin reuptake inhibitors and are mind altering.

They're also only effective temporarily.

They're really bad shit and positively correlate with uncharastically violent or suicidal events.

That's my one post for the week, enjoy!
SSRIs have no mechanism that makes a person violent or suicidal.

someone who is already violent or suicidal may be lifted from a depressive state long enough to actually act on their urges, but that is due to their own underlying state and not the SSRIs

the only factor every shooting has in common is a gun. SSRIs are prescribed in every nation on earth but we only have gun massacres here.
Some Coral Springs police were stunned and upset that the four original Broward County Sheriff's deputies who were first on the scene did not appear to join them as they entered the school, Coral Springs sources tell CNN. It's unclear whether the shooter was still in the building when they arrived.
Deputy who stayed outside during school shooting had glowing reviews, his personnel records show
What these Coral Springs officers observed -- though not their feelings about it -- will be released in a report, likely next week. Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.
The resentment among Coral Springs officials toward Broward County officials about what they perceived to be a dereliction of duty may have reached a boiling point at a vigil the night of February 15, where, in front of dozens of others, Coral Springs City Manager Mike Goodrum confronted Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel. A source familiar with the conversation tells CNN that Goodrum was upset that the Broward deputies had remained outside the school while kids inside could have been bleeding out, among other reasons.

SSRIs have no mechanism that makes a person violent or suicidal.

someone who is already violent or suicidal may be lifted from a depressive state long enough to actually act on their urges, but that is due to their own underlying state and not the SSRIs

the only factor every shooting has in common is a gun. SSRIs are prescribed in every nation on earth but we only have gun massacres here.

i wonder if other nations have this problem of cops afraid o charge a shooter with a military grade weapon armed with only their handguns

i just researched it and no they don;t because they have common sense gun control

i think i have found the real issue here
our country is the only country that prescribes children with these drugs inappropriately. Ours is one of 2 countries that even allows legal advertising of these drugs on television. No other country will prescribe ssri's for bed wetting or nail biting(lifestyle disorders) like ours does.
Misdiagnosing children with clinical depression and treating them with ssri's is causing violent behavior in them obviously. They're keen enough to warn others for months of their intention. they really dont like the effects of their sudden death wishes. They tlel family and friends and social media and scream to be stopped. Everybody is so focused on eliminating guns they ignore his cries on facebook, the cops check it out 31 times, sweep it under the rug, and the one cop sent their to save they day hides.

can you see a few more issues we may have besides the type of firearms used?

columbine used a double barrel shotgun, a pump shotgun, c'mon now... be sensible

fight for better childhood diagnosis much? fight against forced drugging of our kids? did you know cops hide at these scenes sometimes? Did you know suicide tendencies is a listed side effect of these drugs even when prescribed correctly? every hear of suicide by cop? did you know the columbine shooters committed suicide? did you know the majority of school shooters were not white?
our country is the only country that prescribes children with these drugs inappropriately. Ours is one of 2 countries that even allows legal advertising of these drugs on television. No other country will prescribe ssri's for bed wetting or nail biting(lifestyle disorders) like ours does.
Misdiagnosing children with clinical depression and treating them with ssri's is causing violent behavior in them obviously. They're keen enough to warn others for months of their intention. they really dont like the effects of their sudden death wishes. They tlel family and friends and social media and scream to be stopped. Everybody is so focused on eliminating guns they ignore his cries on facebook, the cops check it out 31 times, sweep it under the rug, and the one cop sent their to save they day hides.

can you see a few more issues we may have besides the type of firearms used?

columbine used a double barrel shotgun, a pump shotgun, c'mon now... be sensible

fight for better childhood diagnosis much? fight against forced drugging of our kids? did you know cops hide at these scenes sometimes?

the only factor every shooting has in common is a gun. SSRIs are prescribed in every nation on earth but we only have gun massacres here.

your arguments are terrible. i'd be embarrassed.

don't make me put you on notice
Melloni’s findings suggest that the children who experience the aggressive side effects of fluoxetine may not have begun with an impaired serotonin system at all. “There’s the likelihood,” said Melloni, “that by virtue of the fact that our clinical diagnosis is not based in neurobiology, but rather in symptomology, that we may be giving kids a serotonin drug inappropriately.”

"These drugs do not always cause violent behavior, of course, and in many cases, they are used to treat it. However, certain medications, such as Prozac, have been linked to increase risk for violent, and even homicidal behavior. Several of the most tragic cases of violent murder by prescription takers should be noted. "

Is It the Illness or the Drug?
A recent study of reports to the FDA of drug-induced violence has demonstrated that antidepressant users have an 840% increased rate of violence. See also Robert Whitakers’ article on the subject.
treating them with ssri's is causing violent behavior in them


someone who is already violent or suicidal may be lifted from a depressive state long enough to actually act on their urges, but that is due to their own underlying state and not the SSRIs

your arguments are terrible. i'd be embarrassed.

don't make me put you on notice