Ban Cowardly Cops

Melloni’s findings suggest that the children who experience the aggressive side effects of fluoxetine may not have begun with an impaired serotonin system at all. “There’s the likelihood,” said Melloni, “that by virtue of the fact that our clinical diagnosis is not based in neurobiology, but rather in symptomology, that we may be giving kids a serotonin drug inappropriately.”

"These drugs do not always cause violent behavior, of course, and in many cases, they are used to treat it. However, certain medications, such as Prozac, have been linked to increase risk for violent, and even homicidal behavior. Several of the most tragic cases of violent murder by prescription takers should be noted. "

Is It the Illness or the Drug?
A recent study of reports to the FDA of drug-induced violence has demonstrated that antidepressant users have an 840% increased rate of violence. See also Robert Whitakers’ article on the subject.
the only factor every shooting has in common is a gun. SSRIs are prescribed in every nation on earth but we only have gun massacres here.

your arguments are terrible. i'd be embarrassed.

don't make me put you on notice
JAMA just released a study stating that ssri's are no more effective than placebo's in treating the bulk of conditions they are prescribed for. I suspect this is what is fueling the demise of ssri's, along with the fact we still cannot test serotonin levels without cutting into a brain, so it really is all guess work with no scientific teeth.

It’s a pharmaceutical product. They only test small groups for a year maybe then get fda approval easy and the doctors sell it for them.

Sometimes with some barely tested but approved and sold readily meds the result is a class action suit on tv with 1000’s of people hurt.

Or dead.

Then they remove the meds from the market and sell the replacement drug.
SSRIs have no mechanism that makes a person violent or suicidal.

someone who is already violent or suicidal may be lifted from a depressive state long enough to actually act on their urges, but that is due to their own underlying state and not the SSRIs

the only factor every shooting has in common is a gun. SSRIs are prescribed in every nation on earth but we only have gun massacres here.

Not true about ssri’s according to doctors. The same imbalance problem can become a new imbalance problem. And in some much stronger.

Please post proof of your continued assertion.

You become focused on being right about 1 thing. But all of the topics you pose to discuss are very complex.

Then you seem to get drunk and angry and morph into different people.

Borderline personality disorder? Ssri’s won’t help you with that.
Not true about ssri’s according to doctors. The same imbalance problem can become a new imbalance problem. And in some much stronger.

Please post proof of your continued assertion.

You become focused on being right about 1 thing. But all of the topics you pose to discuss are very complex.

Then you seem to get drunk and angry and morph into different people.

Borderline personality disorder? Ssri’s won’t help you with that.

SSRIs have no mechanism that makes a person violent or suicidal.

someone who is already violent or suicidal may be lifted from a depressive state long enough to actually act on their urges, but that is due to their own underlying state and not the SSRIs

your arguments are terrible.

i'd be embarrassed
SSRIs have no mechanism that makes a person violent or suicidal.

someone who is already violent or suicidal may be lifted from a depressive state long enough to actually act on their urges, but that is due to their own underlying state and not the SSRIs

your arguments are terrible.

i'd be embarrassed

Proof you are wrong has been posted. Thank you.
please point out the mechanism in SSRIs that turns non-violent people violent then

Mechanisms of action are discovered much later or not at all in many cases of drug interaction with certain patients.

Where is your proof that they don’t cause violence?

You dodge every question now. Why aren’t you honoring your election bet?
Where is your proof that they don’t cause violence?
I'm sure you're aware that the onus of proof is upon the claimant. Even if a correlation between the use of SSRIs and gun massacres could be established, it is not greater than the correlation between GUNS and gun massacres.

With that said, I don't use them or like them. I have been prescribed large quantities of them by the VA but I prefer marijuana, or even just coping on my own with nothing, in order to deal with stress. We all have stress but some more than others, and some are stronger than others.