Here's something to chew on. The argument started AFTER the grower Inefectualize got 5.7 ozs using only 4100s
I think Infect got such good results with 4100K bulbs because if you truly know about indoor growing plants only need a tiny bit of Red light because the use red very efficiently since they only receive a little bit of it from the sun and look how well outdoor plants do... Bombarding plants with red light is actually kinda retarded when it's the rest of the spectrum they need a lot of to grow proper but everyone just see's HPS being used so thats what they go with and how are we ever going to progress if everyone does the same thing?? Look at me and DrBud we break all the so called rules of cannabis growing.... My buddy's Horticulture Teacher says "nothing is impossible with horticulture" So I like to keep a open mind shit even Jorge Cervantes say's "an expert grower learns something new every grow"
KNNA chimed in Kudos for sharing it. I saw the final pics you posted on another thread, but i didnt know this journal. Really excellent.
I cant understand some critics about the lighting. For me is clear that it works, and works very well. Yes, i get slightly better results using 827 tone (triphosphor 2700K), but difference with 4100K (840) is small. Both are balanced spectrums and gives a similar amount of photons per watt burned, which is the main parameter about lighting. Spectrum distribution, as far as its balanced, affects g/uE (Light Use Efficiency, LUE) only slightly. People tend to overweight spectrums, but in real grows they often makes little difference.
A bad spectrum may severely hurts final yields. But most standard fluorescents do it well, and very often, better than "horticultural" bulbs, which usually emits less photons per watt. Very often lacking of light on the green/yellow range is reducing yields and LUE, as seen on many red/blue LEDs threads.
But the important is PLLs gives more light per watt than any other CFLs, and thats the most important. On small spaces as this case, they give off the best yields, very often better than the small HID alternative.