Advanced Lighting Spectrums for T5 Floro and LED

I seriously hope you dont think a "Law" of mathematics changes when you improve technology?
Show me peer reviewed empirical evidence instead of conjecture and you got my support. remember even the best led's have very poor quality controls and are still "binned" according to their color, meaning that they do NOT test them all.
Math doesn't change but tech does. Show me an article or study based on the latest cree and osram leds. Not chinese junk like the other article
I understand inverse square law. That's why linear lighting(t5) has to be so close. Single point of light (led , hid) can be 5 times further away. So led is better, less watts, higher par, larger foot print. You forget if you have enough par. Intensity is irrelevant. Intensity is measured in lumens, Par is measured in umole/s FINAL.pdf
I always wondered about Mirrors an inverse 2 law.
seems like specular reflection can reflect much stronger
Signal mirrors are an example....
This simply does not hold water with today's advanced leds, and not just the exotic engines DIYers are using.

I am growing the same strain F2 seeds with the identical high performance rez system, one under basic commercial app 4 x 4ft @ 18W WW led tubes + 4 A19 globes (115w), the other under my 8 bulb BB (432w) with a mix of aquarium bulbs. The plants that expressed the same short Indica were virtually identical in both tents

Come see for yourself

I seriously hope you dont think a "Law" of mathematics changes when you improve technology?
Show me peer reviewed empirical evidence instead of conjecture and you got my support. remember even the best led's have very poor quality controls and are still "binned" according to their color, meaning that they do NOT test them all.
what do you guys think of my color combo it's in a 2' 8bulb HO t5

4x 460 blue
4x 6500k

4x 420 violet
4x 3000k
FONZARELLI. I would like your opinion on the wave point ultra grow wave t5 bulb spectrum looks good in the red area and I was thinking about using 3 of these wit three 6500k agromax bulbs in a 3 sq foot grow area. this would give full spectrum red with plenty of blue. you seem to have a great deal of experience and knowledge and have done much research in this area and I would appreciate your opinion. I am new to MMJ indoor growth. my state just legalize it on the first of the year and allows caregivers to grow plants for card holders.
Fonz is long gone. Don't use 6500k . Useless. Agromax 5400k is great for veg. Then all you need for flower is a combo of agromax 2700k, zoo med flora suns, and uvl redsuns
hyroot thank you for your input. the spectral output of the zoo med floral sun is very similar to that of the wave point ultra growth but a little weaker in the 630nm range which the redsuns seem to be strong in. both bulbs are made in germany so I am sure that they are top quality but it appears that I can match your spectral output using just wave point ultra growth and 2700k agromax based on the published spectral output charts.I have read that too much red can cause stretching but the intensity in the red and far red spectrum seems to be the only difference between t5s and hps lights.based on what I have read your advice seems very sound I am sorry to hear that FONZ is gone.he seemed very dedicated,intelligent, and professional and provider a great deal of useful information for us newbies. once again thank you for your informative and useful response.P.S. do you think a blend of 6500k and 2700k would be useful for vegging.(they came with the fixture and I would like to use them for something)
seems a little heavy on the blue and light on red but I have seen good growth with just t8 kitchen lights so I think the goal here is to maximize performance and match or beat mh/hps combos in a small space without the heat problems I am a newbie to MMJ and this opinion is based on what I have read on various site and seen in picture and videos of those growths.someone with a lot more experience may have a different training is in eletrical engineering not hortaculture and I am a newbie on my first grow. I am a caregiver growing MMJ for a card holding cancer patient and have not actually smoke MJ for 35 years
10 weeks into my first grow with "par lights" using 3 growth wave and 3 floral suns.both seem to have well balanced spectrum but doing a quality comparison. 9 weeks of veg fron seed and growth was a little better than with 6500/3000k first week of flowering.both bulbs are performing well but the floral suns are much cheaper they last as long as the standard grow bulbs (6500/3000k) I will be very happy. I have also been exparimenting with warm white led strirp lights for sidelighting during flowering and they seem to be working well as far as heat and light wave and GE both use watts per nm in their spd graph which make it easier to compare efficiency total output power for the red wave is the same as for the GE 6500k.


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I seriously hope you dont think a "Law" of mathematics changes when you improve technology?
Show me peer reviewed empirical evidence instead of conjecture and you got my support. remember even the best led's have very poor quality controls and are still "binned" according to their color, meaning that they do NOT test them all.
the laws of mathematics do not change but light from leds is slightly more coherent than light from other sources.this higher level of phase compliance does alter the way that light propagates. with leds I have found a higher degree of shadowing of lower leaves even when the plants are surrounded with mylar. multiple lights above and around the plant are needed to address this
I came across this article that would call into question the value of wide spectrum P&A (PAR) bulbs considering their higher price and shorter lives in comparing SPD graph from TCH it appears that a 5000k bulb has about the same SPD as a mix of 2 6500k and 1 3000k with a little more energy in the 650-660 nm range.considering the cost savings with these standard 5000k T5HOs and how cheap led bulbs have gotten it seems like it may be more cost effective to veg with 5000k and then supplement with warm white led bulbs or strip lights for flowering. my led panel light in a previous post only cost $35 for two 5 meter strips and a driver.and puts out 5500 lumens. even unmodified these strips would put out 5000 lumens with a 12 volt power supply and would last a few years and they would add a lot of deep and far red to the mix. only the bulbs would have to be replaced every 6 month. any opinions on this ideal?