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  1. F


    I would try to raise the temp and get the plant to take up the watter already in the pot. Root rot is devistating. Depending on teh size of the pot your in try a heating pad on high a couple of hours a day to try and heat up the root zone. Just a suggestion but good luck.
  2. F

    Week 16 ,17

    So for a week during flowering you hand them on 24hr light? I wouldednt bee surprised if you set them back three weeks or more but be paitent and you will reap the rewards.
  3. F

    Will they fininsh w/longer days???

    If they have been budding for less than say 2 weeks they will revert back to veg, then they will grow untill the days get short and start to bud again. Use a high nitrogen fert to help them revert. Hope this helps, good luck!
  4. F

    are my seedlings dying

    give them at least 3 feet of head space for the first week. One of the biggest factors in any grow is strong roots, make sure there is plenty of them. Another suggestion is george cervantes medical marijuana bible. It saved me from making a ton of mistakes my first time, keep trying and...
  5. F

    flowering question...

    I think at 100 feet you should be just fine, but if you want put up a small screen directly between the plant and light.
  6. F

    are my seedlings dying

    I think the bigger question is how much root development do you have. If they are well rooted they should be standing tall. If they are well rooted maby your light is too close how manny watts. With my 1k I put my seedlings on the very edge of my garden for the first five days. If they are...
  7. F

    Blackberry question

    You will have to use the I.M.E.I. number, it should be under the battery and it will most likely be the longest number.. Some companys will activate other companys phones and some wont. Call cricket and tell them you want to do a swap and see how it goes. They may tell you its not possible...
  8. F

    How to hook up fan to cool reflector *pics*

    I think you should hang the fan as close to the light as possible and then use the ducting to vent the air outside. I think you would be better served to invest in a sealed reflector, If not then put the fan right next to the blulb. Dont use ducting next to the bulb, you will gett a better draw...
  9. F

    Blackberry question

    First is does your cricket phone use a sim card? It should be in the phone under the battery. If you dont then you have to use the i.m.e.i number. Either way the best way is to go to you r local cricket retailer. As long as the i.m.e.i is not reported stolen I think you should be ok. I...
  10. F

    What type of bulb and other questions...

    How manny plants do you plan on growing under it? What strain? Just curious cuz @ 70 watts it would have to be pretty small or are you using it as a suppliment. Good Luck!
  11. F

    what kind of defienciency do my plants have?

    I think 88 is right you should slap your friend....but seriously I would only worry about it if the new growth shows the same problem. Good luck!
  12. F

    Is the Doctor in???

    Lookin good. What strain are they? They look like an indica strain. But the plants look healthy and happy. Keep up the good work!
  13. F

    Plant leaves curling inward and dark green

    We have quite a wide range of opinions..Let me put my 2 cents worth in. I suggest you start a nutes schedule but like Leftyy said start at a 1\4 strengh but more importantly find a mirco nute solution. I think its a micro nute problem. Just a thought, good luck with it.
  14. F

    Quetion about my growroom

    If your maintaining the atmosphere and not doing anything wacky with the photoperiod It sounds like genetics. Some plants are horribly prone to this peticular problem. Go with a non feminized seed and just pluck the males. then clone the hell out of it. It sounds like you got your stuff...
  15. F

    help! leaves are brown and folded &hasn't grown in a week!

    What kind of nutes are you using and what kind of light. Im assuming your using some kind of hydro set up. Are your leaves very dark green or are they light green. If you could post a pic I might be able to help more.
  16. F

    Quick question about yield

    Yes,if you can be covert about it put you ladies in full sunlight all day and use the cf's at night. i guarantee you will see a dramatic increase in growth rate.
  17. F

    vented hoods? pls help

    Absoutely, carcoal filters are the way to go. Make sure to put a nylon over the intake to prevent dust form settling on the glass and bulb. Excess dust blocks light and reduces the life of the bulb.
  18. F

    Quetion about my growroom

    first you have to vent the room really well. Next wipe down all you fans and exhaust ducting. Follow that with a 2 % bleach wipedown of the entire room. Most important is to identify wether it was stress or genetics that caused it. If its genetic go with a new strain, if not find out what...
  19. F

    i messed up!

    Dude your cool. It might push back you harvest a day at most. Good Luck!
  20. F

    Quick question about yield

    Move them outside or near a north facing window when the sun is up. When it goes down use the cf to maintain a 24\0 photoperiod. You cant beat natural sunlight. Good luck!