Is the Doctor in???


Active Member
Lookin good. What strain are they? They look like an indica strain. But the plants look healthy and happy. Keep up the good work!


Active Member
looks like a nute burn at one time.from the cut leaves..and id say a cross breed of indica/saltiva..indicas are usually more fatter leaves..correct? but they look healthy and happy to mee..keep up the good work!!
dnt know the strain.. i got them bagged..probly my experiments..i have 4 #1 kushs starting, 2 surprises from the bahamas, and 2 blue..i fiugred id practice on these as its my 1st time n all..yea i cut the 1st set up those big fan leaves 2 get some more under growth.(heard it wud be good) the under exploded, then halted overall for a few days, then got back all in all think it worked..i def have no idea about nutes n shit..i fed them MG tom food, they looked shot, so i went back to water..i def think i over water..but i always feel like the top layer is dry..???arghhhh


Well-Known Member
They Look lil droopy. Watch out for over watering. Water with the amount of water the container size when the soil is dry, the container will feel light. Over watering is watering to often so allow the soil to dry. I use 1 gallon of water to water my 1 gallon grow bags.

Next are you feeding nutes. Lower leaves look light green. If not start nutes. 1/4th strength and only once a week.

Other than that they look good.
ive only used MG tom food..since then, theyve looked droopy..but it has been 90degrres here last 3 days. lemme get this straight water a gallon of water 2 a 1gallon pot? that snds like 2 much 2 me? but wat do i know...


Well-Known Member
ive only used MG tom food..since then, theyve looked droopy..but it has been 90degrres here last 3 days. lemme get this straight water a gallon of water 2 a 1gallon pot? that snds like 2 much 2 me? but wat do i know...

You can never give it to much water at one time. The medium will only hold so much water. The rest drains out. To make sure you properly moisten the medium I just use the same amount of water as the container size.

Than make sure you do not water again until they are dry. get a soil moisture meter from lowes. Water when dry. Over watering is watering to often and never letting the medium dry. This drowns roots.

If your using veg nutes good job. make sure the ph is right. If you are not phing than you need to. You cna get a meter or strips. Make sure you ph your water after you add nutes. Nutes get locked out at the wrong ph.

Your doing good. Good Luck
phew good things these arent my good ones...okmy kush have sprouted and ive stared lst & flower cycle on the 2 thatppl are saying are 2 big for my box so i can get some flowering practice..any suggestions? like MG bloom food or anything?

