what kind of defienciency do my plants have?


Well-Known Member
Ok here is what happened we were in the process of topping of the tank when my retarded friend poured ph down in the tank before pouring in water and then just left i for like half an hr totally forgetting what he did next thing i know the plants are slumped and they stink. so i take a look up at the ph and it was at 3.0.

So i quickly shut of the pumps drain the water out of the tank refill the tanks with fresh ph 5.5 water and let the NFT system flush out for about 3 hrs. after that i put in the nutes and adjusted the ph to 5.6 and they popped back up and are growing again. Now i have removed all the leaves that were more than half damaged.

Im using nutriculture NFT system with advance nutrients and im the beginning of week 3 of flowering.

Please advice on anything else i should do to repair their deficiency and get them back to looking all sexy like they did before that fuck up.

some pics



Active Member
besides looking a lil burned,they dont look too bad from the pics..and u already flushed them out,i dont really know anything else you should do..as long as the ph is good now..im pretty sure they will perk back up within a few days..
im not a expert,im just saying..


Active Member
I think 88 is right you should slap your friend....but seriously I would only worry about it if the new growth shows the same problem. Good luck!


Active Member
lmao..good work...lol..seems like a iron deficiency to me.. try household vineger..1-2 tablespoons per gallon.
or when changing out the water...mix it first using warm water check ph then add it.


Active Member
thats what drastic fluctuations in the ph do. Ive had that happen keep the ph around the same and it should go away. whats ur ppm?


Active Member
thats what happens when the ph geos up or down to quick. (example 5.5 to 3.0) ive something like that happen before. try to keep it within the same range and it will go away. whats ur ppm?