i messed up!


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i got a quick question, i haven't got my fluoro side light on a timer yet, and yesterday i was in a hurry leaving the house and pulled a stoned act up, i didn't unplug it, and so it got accidentally left on during the 12 hr dark period!! how bad will this fuck things up?? will they just get stunted and be ok or is this really fucking bad??? i'm worried! help me!! hhaha, i hope i didn't fuck my whole garden up! i'm just gonna continue like normal and pray...



Well-Known Member
so just a one time fuck up won't mess things up?? well, the plants are about 44 days old, i started them under fluoros and right when they broke ground i started 12/12! so they've been on 12/12 for about 41 days...i really hope they'll be ok...thanks for any help guys..


the worst that could happen is that they hermi on you. just be on he look out for lil neon green bannana lookin things. if you see one pluck it.


Well-Known Member
whew, what a relief...my stomach has been in knots all morning over this shit!! i was thinking hermies were a possibility, and i'll forsure keep a close watch....awesome, thanks for all the kind words friends...
