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  1. D

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    After attempting to read this thread I now remember why I don't use this board... We're supposed to be helping eachother and be supportive... I understand that someone is always going to hate but come on. From my experience all I see is hate hate hate. For real guys? Oh well, not really my...
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    Look what came in the mail :)

    Yesterday I received these in the mail :D needless to say, I'm fuckin' stoked. If anyone is curious to where I got them or any other questions feel free :joint:
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    Bag seeds not bad seeds

    This title just refers to the fact that bag seed isn't bad, most of the time. There are some interesting genetics in those beans! Ever get the Mexican brick with a cockload of seeds? Plant 'em you'll be pleased. Anyways, here's a new seedling of mine, 3 days old. Picture 1: 1st day - Approx. 10...
  4. D

    Balls or swollen calyxes?

    Balls for sure
  5. D

    How much do you smoke a week??

    At least an ounce. Sometimes more it just depends on time I have not working :P
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    Please Help no clue what this is!?

    Yes this is very true
  7. D

    i just wanna jerk the colas!

    oh god this guy is an idiot :( your plants aren't bad at all. Yes stretchy but you said you vegged outdoors. so whyd you bring them inside? you arent supposed to do that you know. hope you didnt have any plants inside, if so, bring on the spider mites! and why do you talk like that? weird. O...
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    Seedling Troubles!

    I just had this happen with one of mine! I'm not sure what the problem is but I just threw it out bc it was just a bag seed. I would recommend just throwing it out unless you spent your money to order a good strain. If you really wanna keep it just do what you normally would and see if any...
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    Please Help no clue what this is!?

    I don't really see a problem here unless it's spreading. I have seen many grows where there are a few leaves here and there that are slightly yellow or browned.
  10. D

    Seedling Troubles!

    Are these all different plants? Its kind of hard to tell from the pictures what exactly is going on. The stalk looks dark and almost woods from the pictures. Maybe it's just a dark purple color? I will help as much as I can
  11. D

    Growth Track Spreadsheet

    If anyone is interested I created a little spreadsheet for your plants. You can download it here: The last page is to create a graph. The calculations are already set up :) Enjoy Oh and this is an excel file. Give me feedback thanks!
  12. D

    How do you make a weed plant grow short & bushy, but with the same flowering times??

    ok heres a little method you can use. as soon as the plants second set of leaves comes out and its not just little tiny leaves cut off half of the branches. say there is 4 on each side cut off 2 on each side. then when the branches come back with the second leaves again cut off the others. this...
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    Super short Plant and Flowering---Male :( ???

    Its got balls :( strange that it is so short though
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    Are my plants dying? (Pics)

    I think you're ok. Here is a link for you But just a question what kind of light are you using? Are you sure the roots arent being choked? is there a hole for...
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    Male! = [

    you could shake the branches into a bag and save the pollen to manually pollinate just the bottom branches and cross breed. otherwise kill it.
  16. D


    thanks! I have lots of advice and at the same time lots of questions :)
  17. D

    How do i grow marijuana without my parents finding out?

    outdoors dude. thats the only way. or if there is a room in the house no one ever goes. dont show ANYONE. also think about causing possible fires, if you're careless you will. Is it worth killing your family or losing your house just to grow? wait, get a med card, or just move. Other than that...
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    I'm Devin and I'm new here. Not new to weed but this forum. Good to be here :D
  19. D

    Venting my grow room!? Need HELP!!!!

    ok. this will save you, Squirrel fans. get maybe one or two and get that metal coil stuff, used for heating and air conditioning. you can find it at your local hardware store. hang the fans from the ceiling if possible with bungee cords. where the fan blows out hook up the coil and lead it out...