How do you make a weed plant grow short & bushy, but with the same flowering times??

currently growing in a piece of dirt grow box, i plan on getting better lights.
just curious, cause the plant is stretching and i want to make it stop growing taller and more wider.


even if you are using Metal Halide, it is god to put some 6500k CFL's around pointing sideways at the plant to let the light penetrate. This will help it bush out more, Keep your upper light close as you can w/o burning to keep it form stretching. Without knowing your set-up I cant be more helpful than that.


ok heres a little method you can use. as soon as the plants second set of leaves comes out and its not just little tiny leaves cut off half of the branches. say there is 4 on each side cut off 2 on each side. then when the branches come back with the second leaves again cut off the others. this will make the plant want to grow out rather than up and topping helps. but ive seen topped plants only 2 months old be 5 to 6 feet tall.

happy growing