Male! = [


What should I do cut it down let it grow lol This is my first grow and I only have 2 plants the first on is def. male balls alll over it but the second one I started late and can't tell. I really dont want to cut the male down but if there is no good for then I guess I will shit sucks! I put tp much time into it hehe. Anyways what else is a male good for other than germanating a female?? If you want me to send pictures I will but figured there is no need for it if I need to cut it down and already know the sex.

Oh Oh gotta another question my male really dont have much of a smell but my other plant already has a hella smell does a male not have much of a smell as a female just curious cause i'm really hoping the other on is female lol

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Get rid of it! If your second is a female then it will polinate it and you are fucked. If it is in a grow room I would chop the male and clean the grow room out then put the other one "hopefully a female" back in there.
yo im in newengland i recently just discovered that one of my plants is a male too. i think i also have an emotional connection with it cause i put so much time into it but my other plant is a female . im just gunna let the male grow and get the seeds im thinking since it grew so well the seeds will already be adapted to the new england weather. but im also a newbie at growing. good luck


Okay well I still dont wanna cut it = ] They are outside not a grow room and are about 50 foot apart can the male still get to the possiable female?

Only reason I dont wanna cut it it cause its my first grow and wanted to see how it does even know its a male but if you think it needs to be cut then so be it you all know more than I do


Okay i will kill it but damn I went outta town for 3 days when I left I could not tell the sex when I came back it had grown a foot and looks like this now hang on next post will be pictures of what is a male and im gonna cut = [

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I know it hurts but you should get rid of it. I feel for you bro I really do! But you have to sacrafice the male to save the female. Well we hope it is a female! Next time order some feminized seeds from Nirvana, or another seed bank.


you could shake the branches into a bag and save the pollen to manually pollinate just the bottom branches and cross breed. otherwise kill it.


Okay yeah what if I just turn it upside down and dry it ou lol i'm workin on the pictures I swear I got them but gotta get on another computer so fucking phones suck ass!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Once again sorry to hear about it. Just move on and keep your fingers crossed that the other one is a female. This is a good reason to order fem seeds from a good seedbank to try and avoid this disapointment.
so i had a male and female growing for the last 2 and a half months outdoors next to each other i just discovered that one was a male like 1 week ago and i literally just killed the male like 10 mins ago. i hope the male didnt pollinate the female or could ruin the female. i live in new england and im gunna have to wait another year to grow again and ill be pissed if i dont get anything outta this female plant. you think anything bad could happen to it?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
worst case is that you have seeds for next years grow. The other thing is that maybe you can do a little CFL grow in your closet.


Well-Known Member
If you planted the seeds at the same time and they sprouted at the same time the second plant most likely female male plants tend to show they sacs early


Wow yeah I think I waited to late to cut my male. Even if a female is still younge and have no clue what it is and the male has already got big before you cut it you think it still can pollinate the female still even if it is a female?


I've got a 1000sqft garage with rooms in it where I keep my spiders and snakes. You think I can make this room into a small grow room for my females when I get them and not hurt my snakes or spiders. If anything I figured it would help with keeping the temp and humidity up that they need but did not know if the plants could hurt them in any way lol

Oh and what are ther best lights I can use?


Okay well my other plant was growing well till lately I thought I seen pistls on it but now they turned brown and some of the leaves are stating to yellow...I have not done anything different than I did the last plant aka the male! lol, but its not doing as well as the male did....I will try to take pictures sometime in the week and post them but in due time what should I do? I dont want to lose the only female I have and I think it would have flowerd already if it was not for the pistiols turning brown and burning I guess. I water her evry 2 or 3 days now. I thought I might have been over watering....


What should I do cut it down let it grow lol This is my first grow and I only have 2 plants the first on is def. male balls alll over it but the second one I started late and can't tell. I really dont want to cut the male down but if there is no good for then I guess I will shit sucks! I put tp much time into it hehe. Anyways what else is a male good for other than germanating a female?? If you want me to send pictures I will but figured there is no need for it if I need to cut it down and already know the sex.

Oh Oh gotta another question my male really dont have much of a smell but my other plant already has a hella smell does a male not have much of a smell as a female just curious cause i'm really hoping the other on is female lol
If i were you i would kill it because it can pollinate your other one if a female. Take No Chances!!!