Are my plants dying? (Pics)


Hey guys these are my plants after about 3 1/2 weeks under light. I had them on a 24 hour light schedule and was watering daily until I figured out that was bad. Now they are on a 18/6 cycle and I water maybe twice a week. They are in MG organic potting mix. I take care of them I just dont see why the leaves are brown and crusty some have even fallin off. I sprayed them for bugs 2 weeks ago organic plant safe spray. I water them with distilled room temp water. They have a fan blowing on them constantly. I just dont know what it is. Maybe I need some nutrients or something idk.. anyone please help. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Organic soils have little elements in them. That plant needs nitrogen. If using chemical ferts, mix at half recommended strength and apply once every other watering. Also check your soil for PH and compaction. In my opinion, that will solve your problem.

If you want to stay organic, apply some bat guana tea or worm castings to top soil layer.


I have 6 CFL 6500k daylight bulbs. I'm going to get some nutrients, and some worm castings maybe repot them. I dont think there is any drainage in the pots.


Im not sure how to test the PH of my soil.. I havent paid much attention to nutrients honestly and I think its catching up with me. Im getting new soil, and pots maybe.. Any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
yeah the drainage is a big deal the plants dont even use that much water at the early stages..........i usually wait for the top layer of soil to get dry before watering......... you would be surprised how resiliant weeds are you should be fine with some fert and some holes in the pot


Well-Known Member
You're getting a lot of advice on here that could get you into more trouble.
Plants that small do not need any fertilizer. You should be able to grow a healthy plant for the first couple weeks with plain water. Your's are clearly suffering.
I'm guessing it's the organic soil, which is full of fertilizer. Organic or not, it is way too hot for those seedlings.

Add drainage, don't over water, don't use ferts for a while, get some better soil. Look on the back of the soil bags and find something with the lowest NPK ratios possible. Seedling starter soils are usually pretty solid choice for that reason.


Active Member
You're getting a lot of advice on here that could get you into more trouble.
Plants that small do not need any fertilizer. You should be able to grow a healthy plant for the first couple weeks with plain water. Your's are clearly suffering.
I'm guessing it's the organic soil, which is full of fertilizer. Organic or not, it is way too hot for those seedlings.

Add drainage, don't over water, don't use ferts for a while, get some better soil. Look on the back of the soil bags and find something with the lowest NPK ratios possible. Seedling starter soils are usually pretty solid choice for that reason.

Thats the sound advice you were looking for ..... now you have your answer