Venting my grow room!? Need HELP!!!!

I have a 3x3x7 grow room, the roof of the room is slanted starts at 3ft then end a 7ft. I have a 400 watt HPS
and in the small room the heat is killer. My temp with the light on is a constant 84-86 deg I hate it and doesn't
do well with my girls. I need some help on how to vent the heat from my light and bring in some fresh air into
my grow room. I don't have a window or anywhere to vent the heat so I just want to vent it out of the top of the
grow room and into the ceiling, hot air rises so it should stay there. I need some advice on what I need to vent
the heat and bring it fresh air, a simple but yet still effective setup. I just need to know where everthing goes
that I need,I also want to bring some CO2 into play I'm doing it the cheap way, Bakers yeast, Sugar and 5 gallon
bucket. If this changes my setup I need to know how to add it with the venting. I have been growing for 3 years and
I have been wanting to do this for awhile and I finally have the money for it just have no idea what its all about and
what goes where. I have read up on this sbuject and I'm still in the dark, I feel like a big NOOB! Hope someone can
help me out.

Thanks, Peace out.


ok. this will save you, Squirrel fans. get maybe one or two and get that metal coil stuff, used for heating and air conditioning. you can find it at your local hardware store. hang the fans from the ceiling if possible with bungee cords. where the fan blows out hook up the coil and lead it out of the room and if you want get another one and set it on the ground but hook the coil up to the side where it sucks in the air and also have the coil leading out of the room not right next to the other one though. you will constantly get circulation of fresh air and will help with temp too :) I hope that helps. Oh and while youre using the CO2 turn the fans off. Happy Growing!
Ok I got some quick questions. I think I will use two incline fans, one for intake and one for exhaust. I wanna hook one up
to my light hood to exhaust all the heat outta the hood and out of the room. The second fan I want on the other side of the
room to bring in fresh air. How does that sound? I also wanna know do incline fan have two sides to do one for intake and one
for exhaust and I should have the ducting on oppsites side of the fan for the intake and exhaust?

Would I be able to have my ducting in the window to bring in fresh air with a screen on it to keep out the bugs?
As for my intake should I be smaller than my exhaust?
What size CFM fans would I need for both intake and exhaust for my 3x3x7 room to keep my girls happy?

I have been reading up on this venting subject and I think I got it. Ok, connect the ducting to my flange on my
light hood for exhaust and connect the ducting to the fan on the exhaust side. Place fan outside of the grow room
fan puts heat outta the hood through the ducting and vented outta the fan.

For intake, this is were in kinda confused so I will give two scenario's and someone can tell me which is right.

Scenario 1. Mount intake fan I grow room, connected to ducting the fan pulls fresh air from fresh air source into growroom.

Scenario 2. Have fan mouted outside of grow room where fresh air source is, connect the ducting to the fan and lead
into grow room. Fan pulls fresh air from source through ducting, fresh air comes outta the duct and into room.

Hope I got this down, I really wanna get this right before I start my next grow, BLUEBERRY KUSH auto's and I wanna
yield with as much as I can with these little babies!
86 degrees is way too warm for your plants to be comfortable. That's the upper 80's near 90, I'm trying to have an optimal
environment for my plants, especially when your flowering. High temp can make your bud grow wispy an airy, I want
thick dense buds that pack on weight. I'm running at 85 now in my current grow and I have leaves that are rolling up at
the tips also brown blotchy spots. I think the heat my be also stressing my plant causes bud development to be very slow
seeing that I start starting my 5th week of flowering on Monday. I know if I can get my plants to at comfortable temp of
73-77 degrees I will never have problems with growth and I will always be getting the most out of my plants when flowering and harvest
time come around. Fresh air and proper ventilation also comes into play with my temp being at the proper levels.


Active Member
When using CO2, temps of around 90 are ideal with proper airflow. The only problem is CO2 supplementation is difficult in a small space because constant air changes are needed. I have a 2' x 3' cab with a 400w, I run a 6" inline fan for ventilation and air cooling of the hood. It is hooked up to a thermostatically controlled speed controller, and even though the fan never runs full speed, temps always stay within a few degrees of ambient room temp. It usually maxes out around 85 degrees in the evening and I notice no heat stress problems, nugs are dense and happy.


Active Member
86 degrees is way too warm for your plants to be comfortable.
I don't know where you got this dude... I grow outdoors at temps around 92*. The plants don't have a problem with it. Trust me, 85* is DEFINITELY not "too warm" for plants. Otherwise, how do they grow it closer to the tropical equator ??
I guess we both are right, it all depends on what strain your growing and what temp that type of plant likes.

Seeds cultivated in cooler climates can handle temps up to 80 and seed cultivated in warmer climates can take temps
up to 90!
I wish I could bro I know that will help determine what the problem may be a lot easier. I will be starting my
5th week if flowering on Monday and I still my bud development is slow or it seems that I may have stopped?
I don't know I always get a little paranoid when I start to flowering I always think my budz are small because
I tend to compare them to pictures of another growers plants, maybe the wrong thing to do. My strain is The
Church by the way from GHS, I have read she is a heavy feeder and maybe I'm not feeding her enough. A 9
week flowering strain, maybe she will go 10 or 11 weeks and that why my budz haven't exploded yet and I
should see some fattening up soon and in the last 3-4 weeks of flowering.

My feeding nutrients currently:
1 tablespoon Bat Guano
2 teaspoon Big Bloom
1 teaspoon Cal Mag
I feed once a week and water once a week when I water I give 2 tablespoons of Florablend and 1 tablespoon
of Blackstrap molasses all mix together in one gallon of ph'ed water.

Thanks, PEACE out.