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  1. rasvial

    6'x10' Discreet Grow Room

    I've had some small victories on the lease front but more importantly: My bagseeds.. are still bagseeds. Of the 10 I put in the paper towel, 8 cracked, of those 4 developed once in soil, and of those 2 are still growing without defect or suicide. (seriously these bagseeds pop up fast and then...
  2. rasvial

    6" ruck fan pulling 2 x 4" carbon filter

    I'm guessing the backpressure of the filters is going to drop the effective cfm of your main fan a bit- I'm not sure dimming the fan is entirely necessary because I'm not sure the pressure your fan can produce. My thought is that given the filters, the actual output of the fan (esp if it's...
  3. rasvial

    6'x10' Discreet Grow Room

    im comfy with soil now.. I might throw a small hydro addition in when I get more light.. but I'm gonna stick with primarily soil unless I'm blown away by the hydro.. and anyway, i'm in a lease dispute right now so I might end up having to break down the room after it finishes :/ that said, I'm...
  4. rasvial

    HELP Humidity issues barley holding 20%!!!!

    also for the size of room thats a lot of variation in the humidity- but most importantly.. do the plants LOOK parched? Because otherwise, i kinda agree with mlway
  5. rasvial

    6'x10' Discreet Grow Room

    Great cause the ones that put up low nodes were great plants.. well one is still swelling- it's going to be the biggest bud of my harvest by atleast three times the next largest. Unfortunately, they're both in the same ~7 gal container and one as I mentioned still has a flowering plant from this...
  6. rasvial

    Going underground

    generator? underground? are you putting 6 months of canned food down there too? Sorry it all just seems too much a strech
  7. rasvial

    Stealth Armoire! - First Build Ever!

    I'm liking the work so far, and that slightly sloppy, but effective design/construction method you have- it's reminding me of things I do aha Like the bit with the junction box hosting an outlet for a timer timer, but hijacking the "switched" line to spread around.. I actually have almost the...
  8. rasvial

    The Build and Re-Fit.

    Thats exactly where I am in my project right now aha
  9. rasvial

    The Build and Re-Fit.

    Already looking pro- I see tracks in the roof for another row of lights on that side- you planning on having 4x3or4 lights? How're you pulling in electricity for this out of curiosity.
  10. rasvial

    My Super Grow Room

    Someday mate, I'm gonna rig up a mansion like you did this room.. someday.. Seriously though, obviously an amazing effort- i'm sure it's paid for itself in triple by now atleast +rep
  11. rasvial

    6'x10' Discreet Grow Room

    Closeups: Next Generation: Also- hypothetical question: On two of my plants (one cut already, one days away), there is small branching starting out of VERY low nodes that didnt get enough light to develop buds. The leaves are puny (not even centimeters), but they dont show any signs...
  12. rasvial

    The Build and Re-Fit.

    ahh cali- that explains the big ol' sheds. I'm very jealous- sub'd cause I wanna see those rooms when they're overflowing :)
  13. rasvial

    How can I dim my grow light?

    Maybe I'm just lazy- but I'd probably just lift the light if its lumens thats bugging your clones. If it's temperature then you need to think over your room temperatures- I have a 600w passively aircooled that hangs only ~6-8" above the canopy.. that said, those are hardened mature plants, but a...
  14. rasvial

    The Build and Re-Fit.

    Well idk what state you're from, but they're gonna be smoking good stuff for a while :)
  15. rasvial

    6'x10' Discreet Grow Room

    Sorry if anyone got their hopes up after my false photo promises from my last post :/ I've been busy with my work and this.. but there have been some small upgrades BUT- I did infact start seeds when I mentioned it, and today I got around to seeding them in solo cups - (a little late albeit...
  16. rasvial

    DR240 (8X8) Grow Tent Setup Help Please

    its a big tent, and the right watts per sq.ft. but gut instinct says 4 non cooled 600w's is gonna be a temperature problem
  17. rasvial

    Who Wants to Help Build My Stealth Box?

    The wiring is fine, putting them in series over a walkie talkie charger is pretty much how chained power supplies in computers work (which is where the xbox 360 fan came from too for all practical purposes). Then again my room's wiring isnt the best, but it works- the only cable coming out is...
  18. rasvial

    600 Watt Dimmable Set Up. Need Imput:D

    600w hids are the best for most growers. If the ballast is buzzing that could just mean its a magnetic ballast. Those are cheaper but less energy efficient. 600w's are the most efficient lumen/watt, so I recommend that. Dimmable might help electric bills, but I found a set up about 100 bucks...
  19. rasvial

    I just set up this grow box

    my only concern is vertical space- are you experienced with any height-limiting growing techniques? If so brush em off, otherwise read up in the forums on topping/lst/scrog/sog etc
  20. rasvial

    Using Budswell for flavor at flush time?

    I'm half way between these two posts, because I think that the flush is to remove ferts from the final product to IMPROVE flavor by getting the miracle grow (just an example) out of the plant. I'm not really sure how adding nutes right at the end would benefit flavor, as they hardly ever do...