How can I dim my grow light?


Well-Known Member
The way my room is set up I have to keep a 400W light about a foot or so above freshly rooted clones and they don't look happy about it. Can I plug the ballast into a dimmer or should I look for a screen to put over the light? Or do I need to change up my grow room?


Well-Known Member
2 options.

1. Dimmable ballast

2. Aircooled reflector.

I personally only use 200w CFL for cloning/veg time and hps aircooled for flowering.



Active Member
why would you put a dimmer on a 400watt light, that would just make no sense. Is the light bothering you! Cover it, buy yourself a Grow tent, if not at least but the material so you can cover it up properly!


Well-Known Member
2 options.

1. Dimmable ballast

2. Aircooled reflector.

I personally only use 200w CFL for cloning/veg time and hps aircooled for flowering.

My light is aircooled though not as effectively as it could be. Should I be able to put an aircooled 400w light a foot away from rooted clones without harming them?


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm just lazy- but I'd probably just lift the light if its lumens thats bugging your clones.
If it's temperature then you need to think over your room temperatures- I have a 600w passively aircooled that hangs only ~6-8" above the canopy.. that said, those are hardened mature plants, but a 400w a bit higher shouldn't be a problem (aircooled that is).

But seriously.. you could buy things, make things, redesign things.. but if you're cooking your plants the easiest solution is to lift the light a bit.