Going underground


Active Member
There's some wasteland not for from where I live and i've done outdoor grows there in the past but now thinking about getting the spade out and digging there to make an underground grow room as i'm living with parents so I can't grow indoor. I used to grow indoor at my brothers but he though it was ok to show it off to loud mouth friends so I lost trust after then so decided to stop growing there. Now i'm fed up of buying rubbish deals of weed. The wasteland near me is extremely quiet and I know exactly where to put the underground room. I only want to grow 5 or 6 plants under a 600 watt bulb for myself to smoke. For electricity i'm thinking about using petrol generators but they only run for around 14 hours on a full tank so that will mean going backwords and forwards filling it up as veg needs 18 hours of light but I was thinking doing the sea of green method with loads of small plants so I only go once a day to fill the generator up. If any of you guys have any ideas on electricity methods please let me know.


Well-Known Member
generator? underground? are you putting 6 months of canned food down there too?

Sorry it all just seems too much a strech


I'm going to have to agree, I considered doing something similar but the time, energy, and money investment for something like that would be far too insane to be feasible unless you were going balls to the wall mass commercial.