6'x10' Discreet Grow Room


Well-Known Member
So the room's about 8 months old now.. I haven't gotten around to it. Basically- here's how I built a room into the corner of my basement. It's almost just a wall at first glance now that it's finished. Inside I have a 600w MH/HPS.
Otherwise it's still pretty spartan.. and will probably get a 1000w MH/HPS to help out this summer- any setup ideas? I'm going to get an inline fan/filter to push through the hoods but w/ just 600w over the winter it didnt seem to need it at all.

Laying down the base for the room.

Now with vertical members to hold the ceiling/walls.

The ceiling I was talking about. I decided to use tarp to help seal the roof because that part of my basement (before I bleached it down) had some moisture/mold potential. And since the rest of the room could be sealed into cinderblock walls and the old wooden ceiling seemed.. iffy.. just made sense.

The ceiling in place with a couple new vertical members- I started sealing with NoGap foam at this stage.

Some plywood for the wallboard- cheap but effective.

Ducts installed for controlled ventilation.

Almost finished (the door can be seen drying in the doorway). I installed the door and weatherstripped the frame like a fridge door- the seal is great air/light wise. I also put a combo lock on it for shiggles

And a little fake sun.

I've finished one grow in here- so far effective.. but.. spartan as I mentioned. Anyone have any ideas for things for me to waste my time doing?


Active Member
This looks pretty good so far. I'm thinking about building something similar this fall when I start my grow. Are you going to use any insulation?


Active Member
I bet you could put a small cabinet or small closet size room in there or even tent for clones/vegging plants and you could have a perpetual grow.

Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
This looks pretty good so far. I'm thinking about building something similar this fall when I start my grow. Are you going to use any insulation?
I didnt use any insulation b/c this room is burried in my basement.. I mean it, there isnt any house above that particular spot, its got a few feet of dirt above it. If I was more concerned with the sounds of fans, I might consider it, but generally having it leak out heat to the basement helps manage the heat in the room.

So.. I guess it depends on placement- the temps over the winter went 75degrees/50degrees when lights were out. That said, I also have a small space heater in the room- it does a little work but not too much.

I bet you could put a small cabinet or small closet size room in there or even tent for clones/vegging plants and you could have a perpetual grow.
I actually built a sorta cabinet thing- I was gonna post with that today cause I got lazy when I wrote the first post, so..

CABINET: 100w MH, 4x40w CFL

If you maybe stumbled on my posts a while ago about a grow dresser (which was moderately successful), you might notice I pretty much gutted the dresser and built it into the room.
The only problem I had with the dresser was the height for flowering plants.. it was pretty cozy. But it had 70w hps + 100w mh + 4x40w cfls, so for early vegetative growth it was quite efficient.

So I built a cubby in the room with roughly the same dimensions except 3ft taller (even though I only plan on using that room for germ/some veg). I made a DIY cooltube for the MH which the exhaust fan goes through. It's a 2x4 frame, with a plywood floor and silver/brown tarp sides.

I'll put some pics up later, I need to work on the light seal though- I've been too scared to try any 24hr light in it during flowering because it's pretty bad


Well-Known Member
Some pictures of my room's fruitions as well as some hardware :)

The 600w light in action (also you can see the greenlight for light when its nighttime)

Two pics of my DIY 100w MH Cooltube. I really could make a DIY post on it someday, maybe if people are interested, whole thing was ~60 bucks.

Pictures of the rooms first grow. Second pic has irrigation lines from when I went away for a month (at the middle of flowering too..)

Pictures from current grow. Things are a bit better overall this time and I think I'm getting comfortable with this a setup/grow style.

That said..
..the first grow in the room was hardly a disappointment :)

And a closeup of a pretty one in its natural environment.. I just need to get a better camera :/

Happy Surfing


Well-Known Member
Some pictures of my room's fruitions as well as some hardware :)

View attachment 1539083
The 600w light in action (also you can see the greenlight for light when its nighttime)

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Two pics of my DIY 100w MH Cooltube. I really could make a DIY post on it someday, maybe if people are interested, whole thing was ~60 bucks.

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Pictures of the rooms first grow. Second pic has irrigation lines from when I went away for a month (at the middle of flowering too..)

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Pictures from current grow. Things are a bit better overall this time and I think I'm getting comfortable with this a setup/grow style.

That said..
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..the first grow in the room was hardly a disappointment :)

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And a closeup of a pretty one in its natural environment.. I just need to get a better camera :/

Happy Surfing
(Fixed attachments)


Active Member
Glad to hear you using a box in there, it's amazing what a small small room can do for being perpetual. it's great, you can chose to have mothers or just do clones off the plants when they go into flower. If the tape on that cool tube is an issue get the metal HVAC tape, it's heat resistant to a high temperature. but everything looks good. Even a 30$ duct booster fan would go great through that little light.

looking good.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I let the duct tape sorta melt into it with a bit of use (which ended up helping the seal), then wrapping it in foil tape once I started getting worried.

For cooling, I bought a small bathroom ceiling fan for cheap, and its all just 4" ducting.
It pulls air from the cabinet as if that were the "bathroom", pushes it past the 100w MH, and out a vent into the main room. Helps keep the main room warm theoretically at "night" too, but like I said I've been too pussy to actually try it out


Well-Known Member
As promised, a few pics of my germination/vegging cabinet.
It is days away from getting a fresh set of solo cups :)
I'm currently trying to schedule/plan out the usage of the room over the summer to try to have somewhat monthly harvests through early fall (starting with a generation on 12/12 from germination).

Here you can see it, at first with the tarp divider town, and next with the lights just turning on (ended up making it look super blue and sweet aha). From the side shot (taken with the camera just over the main 600w light), you get a pretty good sense of the cooling in the cabinet.

There's a total of 4 45w CFL's, and one 100w MH. If I get motivated in the future it might become 2 100w MH's and 2 70w HPS's. Only thing holding up that idea is that I'd need to make a ton of those stupid cooltubes in order to not cook that cabinet.

Also, if you care to see whats going on under the 600w HPS, right now I'm about 50 days into flower.

It's been on ~8 hours of daylight on avg in the flower period because I'm trying to rush it- so yeah they're not the greatest buds, but the biggest has a solid month left, and once I've chopped a few I might up the daylight hours a lil to help fully grow it.



Active Member

Also, if you care to see whats going on under the 600w HPS, right now I'm about 50 days into flower.
View attachment 1545540

It's been on ~8 hours of daylight on avg in the flower period because I'm trying to rush it- so yeah they're not the greatest buds, but the biggest has a solid month left, and once I've chopped a few I might up the daylight hours a lil to help fully grow it.[/QUOTE]

You r 50 days in and you have another month left? Im sorry if I missed it what strain are you running in there? Why dont you run ur lights 12/12 or 11/13 or something of that sort? Only 8 hrs never done that b4 or even really heard of this.

Besides that everything looks good plants look healthy the setup in general is coming along well. Good luck. Happy growing.



Well-Known Member
I should clarify- the plants all entered the flowering phase at slightly different times. Also I was stoned when I said another month- 2 weeks tops. Also some plants have been fully harvested by now so I think it did accelerate the flower phase at the expense of bud size (Had to make some compromises, havin a get together with some growers I know soon and I want to have something to bring).

As for strain, these are bagseed :/ I've got one very sativa one very indica and a couple other random looking weeds.
Next grow I'm going to have half bagseed half premium so I'm looking forward to that. It will also have a more normal photoperiod for the flower phase :)


Well-Known Member
With this one rapidly finishing up, it's time for me to get underway on the next grow to try to get a perpetual grow established. Right now I'm not quite confident enough for cloning so that means running my germination and vegging setup to it's fullest capacity.

I ordered a couple strains to play with from attitude seed bank, so this will be my first name-strain grow. Looking forward to these seeds:
Green House Seeds - Hawaiian Snow Fem (5 seeds)
Nirvana Seeds - AK48 (10 seeds)
Sativa Seeds - BlackJack (10 seeds)
In addition I got three sampler seeds, 2 autoflowers, and 1 generic small indica called "Ufo" strains- I think this was some promotion because I also got a free grinder :P

These seeds arent here yet though- and I have vegging space, cups, soil, and an almost unlimited supply of bagseed. So I'm going to start germinating a couple seeds tonight and try to get some in soil tomorrow to get this spring/summer going right.

Once my designer strains come I'm thinking of starting the Hawaiians almost immediately- They're pure sativa so getting a good dose of vegging time helps (especially since I might get bold and try to take clones off this strain if the grow is going well). I'll also probably seed the autoflower's just cause they can fit into whatever else I need to be doing.

Then about 3/4 weeks later I'm going to seed the AK-48, and start using my main area for vegetative growth with the MH and use my veg area to start flowering my bagseed and half the AK-48's.

Week 4 I clone if I will, turn the cabinet back into vegging for that, and start shifting the main area to flowering photoperiod wise.

Week 5/6 I would have clones hopefully solidly growing in my cabinet, and all the seeds I mentioned in the main area flowering under HPS.

From there out it'll be about expanding equipment, and improving the control of growing conditions for more and constant growing


Well-Known Member
Sorry if anyone got their hopes up after my false photo promises from my last post :/
I've been busy with my work and this.. but there have been some small upgrades

BUT- I did infact start seeds when I mentioned it, and today I got around to seeding them in solo cups - (a little late albeit, a couple opened cotyledons in the napkin :/ .. oops). There were 6 sprouted of ~10 of my bag seed which is about what I expect from it. Unfortunately my camera died as I started seeding, so I dont have pics of their current home (the cabinet) in action just yet- i'll follow this up in ~1 hr probably with more pics.

Also, to make my 420 just a little more awesome, I got a package from Attitude Seedbank.. wow is my initial reaction although I havent done anything with the seeds yet. The service was lightning fast (shipping confirmation only hours after ordering), and they arrived right on time :p
Also they all appear dark and medium sized- looking good for germinating
I'll start 5 of the BlackJack's and the 3 freebie autoflowerer's.. that should keep my weed supply steady for the first couple months as I hopefully get some cloning going.

Also the main area (minus quite a few of the plants from earlier posts :p), recieved a ghetto-mod. I got some reflectix (or whatever he called it) from my friend who used to grow, and decided to wrap it around the current plants right under the 600w for the last weeks. Although I plan on putting this up on the walls, for now it's also shading the plants well from the stray ray of light from my germination/vegging area.

Till later, happy 420- heres a a lil bit of mine finishing up its cure getting ready to smoke

Thanks for reading! I'll post back with more pics in a bit.


Well-Known Member

Next Generation:

Also- hypothetical question:
On two of my plants (one cut already, one days away), there is small branching starting out of VERY low nodes that didnt get enough light to develop buds. The leaves are puny (not even centimeters), but they dont show any signs of flowering so my question is- can I crank up the lights back to 20/4 and expect regrowth?

I'm curious because the two that I could do that with were some of the better producers, and are atleast developmentally tied with new seedlings leafmass wise, but should have an amazing root system for such a young plant. That is if this isnt crazy talk.. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yep so long as there are nodes for new growth to start from "re growth" can be achieved as you said just flip the lights to your 20/4 or just add to your veg cab and after a couple weeks it should start to re vegg easy peasy lol


Well-Known Member
Yep so long as there are nodes for new growth to start from "re growth" can be achieved as you said just flip the lights to your 20/4 or just add to your veg cab and after a couple weeks it should start to re vegg easy peasy lol
Great cause the ones that put up low nodes were great plants.. well one is still swelling- it's going to be the biggest bud of my harvest by atleast three times the next largest. Unfortunately, they're both in the same ~7 gal container and one as I mentioned still has a flowering plant from this grow attached to it.. so I cant toss it in the veg cabinet (besides it's probably too big/heavy). But theres not more than a week or two before i switch the main area to veg


Well-Known Member
Don't worry you can wait, they should all start to revegg at the same time when you switch the light in fact if you harvested one of the plants in that 7 gal bucket already it may have started the cycle just to survive the only thing to worry about is if it's feeding properly now since it's basically a shrub and the other plant is in full on flower but other than that when you're ready it should still be a go


Active Member
Any plans to convert this into a hydro setup? Just curious because it seems that you could increase your output with hydro and you have a pretty discreet spot for your grow.


Well-Known Member
im comfy with soil now.. I might throw a small hydro addition in when I get more light.. but I'm gonna stick with primarily soil unless I'm blown away by the hydro..

and anyway, i'm in a lease dispute right now so I might end up having to break down the room after it finishes :/
that said, I'm not doing any work in there for a while at the least

good to hear about the small ones then- hopefully I can use them and wont have to scrap them in a move