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  1. G

    Brown tips working their way up, nute problem?

    So, I'm just over a month into my grow. A bit over a week ago I transplanted into a big 5 gallon container, poked holes in the bottom of it, and them fimmed (I think somehow I fimmed the fimming, hah) the plant. After that it went through a little shock and I wondered if maybe it needed to be...
  2. G

    Is Miracle Gro Bad?

    As the sole thing thats growing your plant, its no good. Mixed in with other things, I've had success with it. I have a very, VERY healthy plant growing indoors with Organic topsoil (3), Miracle Gro (1) time release, and Perlite (1). I'm not saying its the greatest, and most people say not to...
  3. G

    So, after a mitigated disaster, I bring you my first(second) grow

    Pics taken today. The roots were poking all out of the bottom of the container already (This plant has some ROOTS on it!), so I transplanted it into a 5gal bucket after taking these pictures. I'm very worried that some of the roots may have snapped their link to the plant off in the moving...
  4. G

    Various questions about 70w HPS in enclosed growspace

    So, my plant is about ready to start flowering here, and turns out the seeds definately weren't a Sativa strain - its a stocky, bushy little whore. So, this presents a problem with my previous plan of CFLs as I've heard everywhere CFL light doesn't penetrate much. To solve this problem, I'm...
  5. G

    who knows about rust? and ballists

    Temperature doesn't rust. Humidity does. How humid is the garage? Normally things in a garage will rust at such a slow rate it shouldn't concern you, but if you've got water leaking in there it'll incite rust pretty quick. What materials are you working with here? Aluminum won't rust...
  6. G

    I think my plants have become rootbound.

    You know, I'm wondering the same thing about my plant, sorta. I have it in a 2-3 gallon bucket, and the roots are already down to the bottom of the bucket poking out of the drain holes. The damn plant isn't that big at all, maybe 6-8 inches tall, but very bushy. Am I going to run into trouble...
  7. G

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    Just wanted to add my .02 here. I'm setting up my carbon filter setup. Piece of PVC pipe with some screens at each end and a fan either inline in the pipe of before the pipe to vent once I have to move the plant into a dedicated grow-enclosure. I'll tellya, though. I walked into the room...
  8. G

    Theres something geen spreading on the top of the soil

    Nah, its algea. I had the same problem on my first (failed) attempt at growing, and with other types of plants and gardening I've done. That shit loves to grow under the CFLs. Make sure you have proper ventilation, your soil is adequately breathable, and most importantly, make sure you aren't...
  9. G

    Women Smoking Ciggarettes - The Big Turnoff

    I gotta say, one of the biggest turnoffs possible to me. Second to only a few things, like dip or Meth. Fucking there is nothing more disgusting than a woman that smokes. It just makes them look trashy! And stink!
  10. G

    So, after a mitigated disaster, I bring you my first(second) grow

    Well, the thermometer next to it says ~90 degrees. I moved the lights out of the way for the picture, but I have 3 CFLs dangling maybe 3-4 inches from the plant. Good idea on the fan - the setup I had before had a passive airflow system that actually kept it cooler than this wide open space...
  11. G

    So, after a mitigated disaster, I bring you my first(second) grow

    First grow did not go so well. I used Miracle Grow potting mix and applied nutes to one of the seedlings WAYYY too much. And overwatered. I had 2 seedlings, one sprouted a bit later and I put it in its own ucp and left it alone. The one that sprouted first, though...well, it had little pot...
  12. G

    Another problem. Drooping plants?

    So I looked at one of my cups, the cup with the plant thats probably 4 inches tall (but very bushy) and noticed the roots are EVERYWHERE! I'm absolutely in awe that such a small plant has so many roots. These are standard plastic cups, like you used back in the highschool days at keg...
  13. G

    Another problem. Drooping plants?

    Thanks for the input, guys. The air passively flows due to the hot air rising out and causing a vacuum, pulling in colder air from outside of the hole I cut in the bottom side. Its pretty warm in there, but I wouldn't call it terrible. Both cups have holes in them, but I had been making sure...
  14. G

    Another problem. Drooping plants?

    My plants have the droop, and not the good kinda droop you get after a night of mixing Cocaine, whiskey, and pot. The bad kinda droop, ya know? Their leaves are drooping pretty bad, and their stems are getting lighter, and those two little leaves that sprout out first that don't look like pot...
  15. G

    How many lights for seedlings/young plants?

    So, what kind of lights should be put on young plants? I have one that just germinated less than a week ago and I'm not satisfied with the variables of growing outside, so I decided to put it inside under some CFL grow light. Its surrounded by white paper double-thick to reflect light, maybe...
  16. G

    Yeast for C02?

    Given that spending money on a timed C02 pump setup it pricey. And given that yeast + sugar + water = Alcohol + C02. Would it be feasable to use yeast to give your crop the C02 it needs? Yeast is cheap to buy, and as long as you keep it fed with sugar and water (also inexpensive), it keeps...
  17. G

    is ebay safe to buy gear?

    Except all of the stuff that you use for growing pot is also used for growing..well..almost any kind of plant. Lots of people grow things indoors as hobbies or profit. Flowers, venus fly traps, fruit and veggies. Then you have the people who just want to buy lights because they're lights. For...
  18. G

    Question 4 Electrician?

    You can run an extension cord from another electrical outlet to your heater. Pretty easy fix.
  19. G

    First Time, 1 week, bugs already?!

    Anybody? Anybody at all? Are these little bastards getting stoned at my expense? Are they going to eat me? Are they going to turn into blue monkeys like in, "Evolution"? Did my seeds come from a meteor?
  20. G

    First Time, 1 week, bugs already?!

    So, I decided one day while sitting around lazily enjoying some good ol' middies that the seeds and the bag of Miracle Grow potting mix that I used to plant some houseplants would go well together. Of course, at this point I didn't know Potting Mix and added spray nutrients designed for...