Is Miracle Gro Bad?

Miracle Grow Organic or time release? I use MGO mixed with perlite and vermiculite, 3/1/1 with GREAT results! The time release is shit.



As the sole thing thats growing your plant, its no good.

Mixed in with other things, I've had success with it. I have a very, VERY healthy plant growing indoors with Organic topsoil (3), Miracle Gro (1) time release, and Perlite (1). I'm not saying its the greatest, and most people say not to skimp on soil, but hey, as long as you don't use too much of it, its cheap nutes on a budget. Just be sure to monitor your pH if you use it.


Active Member
It's organic. I think it has perlite and all that other stuff in it, but I was just talking to some other person who said he used to use miracle gro and his plant's yield was half an oz, and when he switched to organic soil from his grow shop his plant's yield was 3-4 oz's.


I used miracle grow with mine. In my opinion straight miricle grow is not the best used alone. It can nute burn young seedlings. I mix miracle grow (potting soil) in with extra peate, sorgum moss, lime, sand, and peralite. This cuts the strength back and helps the plants roots get air faster. I also use rocks in bottom of pots for better drainage. Good luck.


Active Member
I used miracle grow with mine. In my opinion straight miricle grow is not the best used alone. It can nute burn young seedlings. I mix miracle grow (potting soil) in with extra peate, sorgum moss, lime, sand, and peralite. This cuts the strength back and helps the plants roots get air faster. I also use rocks in bottom of pots for better drainage. Good luck.
Well, I got a whole bag of perlite that I bought but I never added any in the soil. My plant is still in a cup, so I can still add perlite, and peat moss in the pot. Or would the plant not like the adjustment?



Well-Known Member
Well, I got a whole bag of perlite that I bought but I never added any in the soil. My plant is still in a cup, so I can still add perlite, and peat moss in the pot. Or would the plant not like the adjustment?

add it to the next repotting your plants will be fine

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I grew some plants side by side. one with ffof soil and 3 with miracle grow soil. The 1 plant with fox farms produced twice the bud and much a larger plant than the MG. MG sucks.