So, after a mitigated disaster, I bring you my first(second) grow


First grow did not go so well. I used Miracle Grow potting mix and applied nutes to one of the seedlings WAYYY too much. And overwatered.

I had 2 seedlings, one sprouted a bit later and I put it in its own ucp and left it alone. The one that sprouted first, though...well, it had little pot worms or something infesting it. It stunk. Had algea on the top of the soil, and well...looked like you see below. I moved it outdoors and will let nature take its course.

Now, the other seedling wasn't doing too bad, so it got to be replanted into a nice big pot. PLEASE give me feedback on my soil choice. Scott's Premium (organic) Topsoil ~70%. Perilite ~25%. Miracle Gro Potting Mix (with its time release nutes BS) ~5%.

The little seedling was coming up hot because there are three 23watt CFLs directly above it. I'm unsure of how to cool it down except pulling the lights a bit farther away. Its in an open space right now while my little grow area is being finished.

Feedback! Will keep you updated as I sprout another few and hope for girls to yield me some decent crops.


Well-Known Member
Put a fan on her. It will cool the area under the light, and strengthen the stem.

Good luck with your grow!


bud bootlegger
why do you think she is hot? don't move the lights any farther away as you are using cfl's and they don't transmit light for far distances.. i agree with above poster and put a lil fan on her..
i would go online and order some fox farms soil.. about $20 for a big bag... the mg soil is bad to use as you've already learned that the time release nutes are hard to control, and if you make the tiniest mistake overfeeding them with nutes and you will burn them.
best of luck with your grow


Well, the thermometer next to it says ~90 degrees. I moved the lights out of the way for the picture, but I have 3 CFLs dangling maybe 3-4 inches from the plant. Good idea on the fan - the setup I had before had a passive airflow system that actually kept it cooler than this wide open space, so I figure its time for a cheap little fan. My final grow area which will have carbon filter on it, will of course require a big more elaborate of a fan setup.

Just for my info as this little one grows, are the leaves suppossed to droop a little bit, as long as they're nice and green like you see now? They aren't drooping today as bad as they were yesterday - I'm hoping that means it took the transplant well and it doing okay.


Pics taken today.

The roots were poking all out of the bottom of the container already (This plant has some ROOTS on it!), so I transplanted it into a 5gal bucket after taking these pictures. I'm very worried that some of the roots may have snapped their link to the plant off in the moving process. Are these plants resilient to that, or did I just open this plant up to disaster?

Always open to your feedback on what I'm doing right/wrong with the plant.