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  1. yblek83

    Indoor closet grow w/ pics

    I wouldn't worry about getting a more powerful light, just try and start training your ladies to tie down with pipe cleaners or something similar and then you can keep everything in the light by tying your branches down.
  2. yblek83

    Getting ready to switch to 12's ..Is this a solid plan?

    That's quite a bit of nutes and different kinds you are using however if your ladies like it then keep given it to them. They'll let you know if they are pissed about what you're giving them.
  3. yblek83

    HPS bulb question

    Negative buddy
  4. yblek83

    plant not smellin like skunk

    Your true smell of the lady won't come out until you dry and cure the buds. That's when it will come out the most. Right now your lady just has an aroma if you will about her and this is making the room smell softly of it but the plant is not going to smell exactly like a skunky bud would that...
  5. yblek83

    never seen this problem before.... ````PIX````

    Looks like nute burn to me also...monitor your new growth and see how it revives itself. Should be fine after a while.
  6. yblek83

    some leaves folding down

    I would have to say either a nute issue OR you are watering too much. Make sure to let the soil get completely dry in the first 1-3 inches before watering again.
  7. yblek83

    My experiences with Topping vs. LST interesting results

    Thank you for chiming are correct! LST and topping have nothing to do with determining the sex of your plant unless there are abnormal stressful situations that are influencing the plant like topping it way too early. I personally have never had this happened not once and I top my...
  8. yblek83

    250 hps height question.

    HPS lights are more intended for the flowering stage, not vegging. You would want an MH (metal hallide) for veg. But to answer your question about height, the best thing to do is put your hand right above the plant and feel the temp for yourself. If you don't wanna leave your hand there, your...
  9. yblek83

    70w hps 12-12 light

    You are not gonna get shit unless you let your plant veg for some time. The plant has to have growth before it can start producing buds...a good recommendation is 3-4 weeks veg if you can.
  10. yblek83

    flowering + lighting question

    I would check out as this will have info about the Kelvin reading for the lights you are talking about.
  11. yblek83

    Sad Leaves (pics) suggestions?

    400W can get pretty hot so make sure they are not too close to the light...they are small so I would have them about 3-4 feet away and then gradually move them closer to the light (with temp taken into consideration). Don't worry about discoloration at the very beginning, most plants...
  12. yblek83

    Newbie first grow, just planted, input appreciated...

    I find it best to plant the seeds in a jiffy pellet if you are trying to germinate rather than putting it into the pot right away. This way also you can physically see how your roots are before you plant your hopeful lady. I would keep your plant a good distance from the light for the first...
  13. yblek83

    What do you guys think?

    They look really nice for a CFL only recommendation would be to get away from the MG soil. I just like to know exactly what nutes I'm putting into my plants.
  14. yblek83

    The best odor control ever!!! I bet my rep on it!

    Screw your orange shit...and read the can before you go raving about some gay ass product. You posted 2,000 sprays from one can but I can see from the can's picture you provided that it clearly says only 500 sprays. Anyhow, keep using your orange stuff and everyone else with a brain will...
  15. yblek83

    Help! Did i just killed my seed?

    All you can do is plant it and keep watch...
  16. yblek83

    Clone/Vegg light

    I'm just curious, you have almost 160 posts on RIU but you are asking what kind of light you would use to grow???? WTF
  17. yblek83

    this cant be normal

    Watering once a day is WAY to much in want to water until it drains out the bottom of the pot and then don't water again until the top few inches are dry to the touch. As far as the plant goes, I would research the strain a little bit on the web or even this site. It's either the...
  18. yblek83

    Really big problem, leaves dying rapidly

    When watering, don't water based off of how big the plant need to water based on how big the pot is that your plant is in. You need to water the plant until water is leaking out the bottom drainage. This will ensure adequate distribution in the soil. Also, keep in mind that even...
  19. yblek83

    plants yellow and die and put into flower

    Well the only commom denominator is YOU. There's something that you're doing either during Veg or during Flower that is causing this. I'm thinking it's going to relate to either the type of nutes you are using or the quantity. Most likely however it is a nute deficiency...something's missing...
  20. yblek83

    police helicopters how do they catch you

    Please don't post anything unless you are going to write it in English and to where others can read it...otherwise it's just a waste of your time and ours.