Newbie first grow, just planted, input appreciated...


Active Member
So yesterday i planted 3 white berry fem seeds in ff light warrior soil about 1/2" deep into moist soil and misted the top with water. The night before i did the paper towel method to sort of jump start the process while trying to avoid dealing with handling the precious taproot. They were not germinated yet, but i just planted them anyway. They are in small cups with good drainage and a plastic bag with holes covering the top. Should i leave on a windowsill? or just in a warm place a lil darker? When may i expect them to sprout? Any input would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks guys

p.s. i plan on placing them 24-30" away from my 250 hps a few days after sprout, or true leaves appear..

what u guys think??


Active Member
a warm place a lil darker is good. they need no light at all until u see a sprout then 18 on 6 off thru veg. now im a cfl grower so not positive bout ur light ? but i think 24 inshes is toof ar away hopefully some1 else will chime in on that1


Active Member
I find it best to plant the seeds in a jiffy pellet if you are trying to germinate rather than putting it into the pot right away. This way also you can physically see how your roots are before you plant your hopeful lady.

I would keep your plant a good distance from the light for the first week after sprout. This will help it adjust as it is a newborn. Gradually move it closer to the light as it grows and eventually get it to the point where it is close to the light but not too hot. I do this gradually so that if you start to notice burns on your leafs, you can back it away a little without jacking your plants seriously.


Active Member
I find it best to plant the seeds in a jiffy pellet if you are trying to germinate rather than putting it into the pot right away. This way also you can physically see how your roots are before you plant your hopeful lady.

I would keep your plant a good distance from the light for the first week after sprout. This will help it adjust as it is a newborn. Gradually move it closer to the light as it grows and eventually get it to the point where it is close to the light but not too hot. I do this gradually so that if you start to notice burns on your leafs, you can back it away a little without jacking your plants seriously.

thanks alot guys! i think ill be good with the HPS. So do u think my best bet is leaving them in a darker/warm place with the baggies over the cups until they have the first true leaves? sorry for the dumb question, just a noob, thanks again!