70w hps 12-12 light


Well-Known Member
this is my first time growing, im growing in a closet about 2'X3'X6'

Lighting a 70w hps 4 23/26w cfl (2 daylight- 2 warm) on a 12/12 light cycle

small fan on high for air circulation

just looking to grow one or two small plants personal use.

im trying to put my plants straight into flowering, i realize they will not get big at all but im just looking to grow a small amount in a shorter time

Has anyone ever tired this?

iron joint

Active Member
That could get 1 plant through flowering, if all the lights are positioned right. do you know how much lumens the HPS is rated for.


Well-Known Member
no not really, im really only looking to do one plant, and possibly "lst" it.

not really sure how to "lst" a plant though just like the idea


Well-Known Member
have u veg'd yet? you want your lights on like a 18/6 cycle first, then 12/12... lol i dunnno if i missed that but u just said u had one plant..


Active Member
You are not gonna get shit unless you let your plant veg for some time.

The plant has to have growth before it can start producing buds...a good recommendation is 3-4 weeks veg if you can.


Well-Known Member
also they are just bag seeds, i have no idea if they are going to be female.

I have heard if you put them on a 12/12 cycle they are more likely to become female
also have heard this called a "dutch" method..

correct me if i'm wrong


Active Member
mine are also 12/12 from seed at two weeks.. I've also heard it called the dutch method.

I'd take that cover off in a week or two rhcp..once the plant stocks up. depends on heat mostly.



Active Member
I have almost the same setup and grow room size. Not much data out there on the 70w hps. It seems to be just right for room, not too much heat, buds are rocking.

Some growers here say you can grow 12/12 start to finish. The plant will star flowering whenever IT is ready.

If you run the lights 20/4 or 18/6 for a while, then switch to 12/12 to flower, then YOU dictate when the flowering starts. I would not start the 12/12 until 6 weeks veg or 24" tall.

You want to the plant to get to some level of maturity, to get the best shit. Also if you do the math, getting bigger yield makes more sense.

The flowering time is fixed, say 8 weeks. If you veg for 4, total of 12 weeks, and get 1.5 oz. or you veg for 8, total of 16 weeks, and get 4 oz. I'd take the latter, and it will be better shit too.

But.... there is one other thing to consider.... smell. The bigger the plant, the more buds, the more smell. If you need to be sensitive to smell, you'll want to keep the plant smaller. If that's the case, cut the veg to 5 or 6 weeks.


Well-Known Member
you gotta take the cover off that mh light. put a thermometer right in one of the plants, as long as it doesnt get too hot( over 85 F ) you should be golden.i would veg at least 3 weeks to get some root mass. they will still be small . other wise, you are gunna need more lights. I have a 150 mh over 1 plant and i keep it about 5" away and she loves it. good luck.


Well-Known Member
im not looking for a huge yield just for some personal smoke.
and i am concerned about the smell

as you can see in the pictures there are holes in the top of the folgers can there are small holes poked in it

as i am doing a lst around the top of the can.
looking for a small bushy plant rather than a tree..

does anyone know of a good way to remove the smell with out using a carbon fillter. could i use a bunch of oder neutralizers?


Active Member
yesh I am talking about the hps cover. take that off and if those cfls are not 6500k then switch to them. you can get decent 32w ones at home depot cheap. The overpowering "red" light is probably why the one has an inch between the starter leaves and the first real node set...


Active Member
yeah swap all your cfls to daylight bulbs... you have 2warmwhite AND an hps... the hps is all the reds you need right now. possibly buy some good power blues to replace the reds. I have 3 32w 6500k bulbs in a tiny 1.5x2x1 box and they don't throw off the heat much at all so you should be good in your closet

mookie brown

Active Member
Your seedlings are stretching like a mother fucker. You need to add more soil. Get the soil as close to the cotyledons as you can otherwise eventually it's just gonna fall over & you'll need to start over again. You don't want em stretching like that. Keep them short & stocky. Trial & error, you'll learn !!


Well-Known Member
Your seedlings are stretching like a mother fucker. You need to add more soil. Get the soil as close to the cotyledons as you can otherwise eventually it's just gonna fall over & you'll need to start over again. You don't want em stretching like that. Keep them short & stocky. Trial & error, you'll learn !!
you say get the soil as close to the "cotyledons"

i am unsure what that means, i have extra soil should i just fill up the container around the stem?

and i think they are stretchy because i had the lights like 10-12 inch away from the seedlings for the first 4-5 days, i now have an adjustable light system


Active Member
The "cotyledons," I believe, are those bottom rounded leaves. I would not add any soil, at least not more than 1/2" or you'll kill them.

I would turn off the hps for now, or just have it on for the middle 4 hours of the 20 hr day. Wait until plants are about 8" tall with several sets of leaves before cranking up the hps for the entire "day."

I agree with taking the cover off. It looks like the cover is yellow, perhaps from age. That may be a false assumption because of the picture. if the cover is actually crystal clear, leave it on.

There is a trade-off on the cover. With it on, you will lose some light, but it will keep your plants from touching it and causing a fire. In other words you only need a cover if there is a chance the plants could grow tall enough to touch the bulb when unattended.

You should be able to train plants away from light, or move the light high enough to avoid the problem. With a 70w hps, the ideal distance during flowering is 8 to 12".


Well-Known Member
the cover is very clear, its just diffused

also with the cover off i have noticed it is a bit warmer in the room. my thermometer is on the way also tells humidity.. $8

my grow closet is not completely sealed so i dont know if a carbon filter would work,

i am thinking about making a DIY febreeze bucket with a fan on the top, then a water febreeze mix in the bucket its cheap and it should work...


Well-Known Member
I unplugged the 70 hps tonight i noticed a bit of discoloration on one of the leafs, just a small area a yellowish

also the bigger plant witch has stretched its leaves are kind of curling down not perky like the smaller ones, could that be from the heat of the hps when i took the cover off? again unsure of the temp right now

here is a pic with the yellow spot circled in red

also i switched one of the warm whites with a cool white.. switched the hps off and swaped the lamps after i took the pics..:eyesmoke:
