Indoor closet grow w/ pics


Well-Known Member
woops i had my days wrong before, the prior pics in the last post were 11 days in, now they are 14 days in today.

plants are doing well, im upset with myself that i didnt set up a scrog initially, but i will just have to do that next time.

plants are getting taller, and are starting to develop buds.

i can start seeing trichromes.

they smell great and the carbon filter has been really working.

I expect these things to get about 4 feet in height or more by the time theyre harvested.

If anyone doesnt have an electronic ph tester, get one, they are awesome:bigjoint:

here are some more pics, leave some comments guys
hell yea man everything looks great your goin to have sum dank ass bud soon !!!:hump:keep it up man +REP


Well-Known Member
today is week 3 of flowering, i will post some pictures

i plan on tying some of these mofos down pretty soon here


Well-Known Member
thanks skibumuvm. I have spent a grip of time reading through RIU, and honestly i gotta give my props to all the experienced people on this forum. Taking in information like a sponge seems like the best thing I could do. I would have to say I have spent 50+ hours reading RIU in the first 1st. I also have the luxury of living near a hydroponic store. But the best thing I learned is to just go by common sense and instinct. The nuances.
Today is now day 22 into flowering. I meant to post pics on day 21 but I need to buy batteries for my camera. Anyways, I have rearranged the plants a bit and I also am going to order one of these

cause that way i can have both these going, not just one of them

easy to hang, attach to walls, variable speed adjustment knob, usb connected, like your ipod. good for a light fan to sleep with as well lol


Well-Known Member
The following pics were taken on day 23.

So far everything is going pretty well.

I have been watering as needed, every other day or so. I have ordered my dual usb/AC converter, and I am expecting it here on monday.

That way I can attach a couple more of these fans.

PH is at 5.8 give or take. I have been using distilled water. So far I have only given a couple small doses of tiger bloom. I will use it when I water next.

If you dont have an electronic ph tester, get one, they are worth the money.

I have gotten temperatures down to 75-79 degrees now. I tried a few different designs for my fans.

I have to tie down that big one, I dont know why it is growing so tall like shaQ.

What do you guys think? advice? comments. lets hear em!

I'm off to smoke some LA kush



Active Member
adding cfls would be the only way i would add more light. for the space, i cannot maintain a 400 watt+

one quick correction, there arent any buds, i think u ment bud spots. they are only 5 days into flowering, but if needed down the road, I will address the lower areas

thanks for the feedback so far
I wouldn't worry about getting a more powerful light, just try and start training your ladies to tie down with pipe cleaners or something similar and then you can keep everything in the light by tying your branches down.


Wow nice plants. They look super healthy and strong. You probably could have gotten away with some high stress training, maybe next time? I'll keep watchin your grow man, good work. Come check out mine when you can - its nowhere near what yours is but I'll get there someday! lol



Well-Known Member
Today I am going to the hardware store to check and see that they have to tie down these bitches. i might setup a set or just tie down the tall one.



I wanted to try a SCROG but I'm new and I don't wanna mess something up... how soon can I start doing it / how soon will I know whats female? I have heard so many conflicting ideas about sexing plants. Anyways, I'll go research SCROG more, thanks for the response!


Well-Known Member
when you have female seeds it does make it a lot easier to do a screen of green.

I am just regretful that I didn't do one because I have seen they yield a ton.


Yeah next time I'm going fem seeds for sure... this time I might just let them grow and see what happens. I also don't totally like the idea of adding weeks to my grow because I have a deadline for this. Not a strict deadline.. but I want something for the summer you know? =)


Well-Known Member
exactly bro. get your first grow out of the way and then it allows you to look back and see what you can do better.

all i have to say is I am subscribed to your posts and I look forward to the next couple months bro!


O damn, lol. Gotta think of something to tell them when I get it so I don't look like a bomb builder or a pot grower. I wanna just say I'm using it in my iguana cage to help break up the algae on my water pump.

Meant to post this to riddleme... but regardless. He told me that strong H2O2 (which I wanted to use to clean and prevent algae on my hydro system) can be used to make bombs. I'm going to get some later this week from a local store. Yikes.


Well-Known Member
I felt like taking some better pictures. I wanted to show what the plants look like without the hps light effecting the picture

Let me know what you guys think.

I watered the ladies tonight, I also used tiger bloom.

I have been using nutes sparingly. I feel a lot of people make the mistake of stressing the plants out with nutes. FF soil + FF nutes seem to work perfectly for me.

:leaf:Let me know what you guys think:leaf:

maybe some rep points? lol.

It's my first grow so I hope things continue to go well

