Indoor closet grow w/ pics


Well-Known Member
how many fans do you have as intake/outake? and inside of your grow space? also how big is your grow space?? im having trouble fixing my heat problem.
I have one exhaust fan that goes through a carbon scrubber.
I have one intake fan. and 2 small falls circulating air. total of 3 comp fans and 1 airduct fan.

Liking the grow so far man, grats on the growth. How are you liking the snow white (nirvana?)?
I mean it is awesome, I want to wait a little longer to see the outcome. Sofar there are tight buds on top, they look and smell great. they arent flowering as fast as the kush, nor as tall.

hell yeah bro, I quick dried a small nug, took 2 hits and fell asleep. I decided to cut a small branch off the see whats up with the plant. A lot of ppl cutthe top cola off before the harvest the rest of the plant just to get more light through the canopy, I just wanted to smoke that shit (so I cut a small branch off)

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Yo man looking hella good! Hella props! That little special kush nug looks way dank, how much longer you think till you chop? I told you i would keep you posted with my grow and I just updated the pics today, im starting the flush today and will be chopping in a week!

Take a peep, the link is in my sig.


Well-Known Member
Yo man looking hella good! Hella props! That little special kush nug looks way dank, how much longer you think till you chop? I told you i would keep you posted with my grow and I just updated the pics today, im starting the flush today and will be chopping in a week!

Take a peep, the link is in my sig.

I bought a pocket microscope to help me figure out when I will harvest. I am thinking It will be in the next 2-3 days


Well-Known Member
well, the kush was ready tonight :) chopped her down, I will post pictures tomorrow. The heaviest bud weighed 50grams wet


Well-Known Member
Well, to the ones who have stayed tuned throughout, thankyou. I have chopped the special kush plant. It was annoying man, my fingers, sheers, everything were just sticky all night. It was fun though.

Like I said before, the heaviest bud was 50grams wet. I didn't have the time or energy to weigh the rest of em, I had to work early this morning.

I will for sure give the dry weight right before curing.

I still have the 2 snow white plants that need to be harvested.

Based on how plump they've gotten in the last few days...I'm gettin excited.

I could have waited a bit longer on the kush, but I really like the high I've been getting from the cloudly trichromes.

In the third picture, I havested the right plant. And the last one is some of the popcorn buds way down at the bottom of the plant. ( minimal light penetration down there)

Enjoy. the results from my first grow.:joint:


Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Damn dude that looks so fucking dank! Hella hella crystally! I hear ya with the stickyness, i started chopping late last night and have been doing it all day today and ive actually accumulated enough hash for two bowls haha. Should have some harvest pics loaded tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Damn Smoke they look good as hell.....Hope mine comes out that pretty......Did u get a dry weight as of yet....


Well-Known Member
Yeah. So far the kush has now been dried enough to cure. I can bend the stem and it does not snap. I got 32 grams dry b4 cure. The other two (snow whites) I expect a bit more, the buds are a lot denser, and smellier too.