The best odor control ever!!! I bet my rep on it!


Well-Known Member
I come on here to wind down when everyone is in bed! Most people dont have too much to do between midnight and 2 am!
haha... I'll be here all week folks! I'm usually getting pretty board around those hours too.
Your cool in my book Woo... No hard feelings...
All solutions are only temporary when it comes to stinky cannabis plants.
I'm just bored and saw a chance for some good debate material...


Well-Known Member
you know fuck all...I didnt make one lewd comment, I think you may be getting me confused with another member who I will not name as he was misunderstood, if you must know I made a joke about a light bulb, hardly lewd! Bored lmao, 3 businesses and a 4 year old keep me very busy thanks. What you seem to miss is that I come on here to wind down when everyone is in bed! Most people dont have too much to do between midnight and 2 am!

im always bored, bewtween 12 am-12 am.....keeps me out of jail.:lol:


Active Member
Screw your orange shit...and read the can before you go raving about some gay ass product. You posted 2,000 sprays from one can but I can see from the can's picture you provided that it clearly says only 500 sprays.

Anyhow, keep using your orange stuff and everyone else with a brain will leave all that is well alone...why mess up a plant from its' natural goodness.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm just bored and saw a chance for some good debate material...
doesn#t sound like you were trying to initiate a debate... sounded like you were telling us there was no way there could be any other conclusion other than you are right we are wrong listen to you because we don't know what we're talking about.

and lol at the 500 sprays not 2000, missed that


Well-Known Member
OH I got it, your first picture is different from the second
the first one does say upto 500 sprays
but the second one says 2000


Active Member
Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...............what rep???????
lol you beat me to it woo. my spider senses are tingling, its the same guy that was pushin some seed bank last week. i dont think he even smokes, anyone out there willing to spray their plants with orange stuff? not me


Active Member
yes i am an 11 yr old girl, 6'2 220 pounds of the ugliest 11 yr old girl you ever saw. that orange shit is the dumbest idea ive seen here so far and believe me ive seen some doozys, anyone else smell bacon?


Active Member
You geniuses know that the medical field has been using this stuff as a deodorant for decades, right? It's not "orange stuff". It's pure orange extract. Bah, what the fuck does medical science have over some paranoid stoners anyway? :D


Well-Known Member
You geniuses know that the medical field has been using this stuff as a deodorant for decades, right? It's not "orange stuff". It's pure orange extract. Bah, what the fuck does medical science have over some paranoid stoners anyway? :D


Well-Known Member
and you sound like a used car salesman with your attempt for some reason to hype this orange spray shit you like so much...
You don't think that I know that.... That's probably why I mentioned it in the very first post...

That avatar fits you that supposed to be you broke, with empty pockets b/c nobody is buying this air fresner stuff you're hyping?? LOL
Actually no, but that gives me the perfect opportunity for me to change it for you. Thanks!


..... Flame me for helping....
Your obviously to ignorant to find out if I was the same person "pushing a seed bank" which I clearly am not. So unless you've got some kind of evidence for your claims. keep your stupid ass mouth closed about shit that you don't even know what the fuck your talking about. Your worse than an 11 year old girl.
uuuuuummmmm,, u full of shit man, think bout it m888:?:.
buds r grown by lots of ppl so they can have the full satisfaction of quality flavoured (not orange flavour) smoke that :leaf: can ever possibly have.
if any1 wants an orange flavour, GO BUY A FUCKIN ORANGE,:cuss:Muppet
P.S, GET A CARBON FILTER,keep ur rep............................


Well-Known Member
Personally I think you are spending too much time trying to get people to do something they are not interested in Moneybags. Anybody who does this is either very young, and it's their childishness that drives them to argue to the enth degree, or they are just plain bored, or they have an interest in the product. How many cans did you buy off Ebay?????