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  1. herbme

    tiny little white things in clayxs..

    Everyone has had their questions and scares, this is due to over worriing about your plant haha Sit back smoke some god grass and chill :)
  2. herbme

    Roots starting to come out of bottom of flower pot!!!!

    LOL this happens in nature all the time, worst thing that can happen from this is that the protruding roots will die. But this is an indication to transplant into a bigger pot!
  3. herbme

    over fert, dont know much please help

    I agree with scarhole. For future diagnosis add pictures they are very helpfull. :)
  4. herbme

    Plants dyeing!!!! please help!! PICS

    Soil looks dense, add some perlite or pete. Hope this solves the problem :)
  5. herbme

    over water or to much heat?

    Just as iI thought haha, I was going to say earlier that they just look like they have been heat stressed is all. They look relitivly healthy otherwise, bottem feeding if the reason the soil looks dry on the top for all the people who think it was not enough water. Bottem feeding in the early...
  6. herbme

    HydroHeart Grow How does this look?

    Oxygen deficentcy, check your water levels ( my guess is they are high) , also a bigger air pump couldnt hurt.
  7. herbme

    2 week old yellow leaves

    Actualy what has happened here is lack of oxygen within the rooting environment. Listen to me buy some perlite, 25% perlite is nearly perfect, and re-pot the plant in this mixture. If you have an extra couple dollars get some powdered rooting hormone to mix with the water for feeding. Also when...
  8. herbme

    Super Lemon Haze? Any Thoughts?

    I am growing a super lemon haze and mine is flowering right now and it is about six feet tall so yes it is tall but its not lanky at all like you said its like a hedge. and the leaves are very fat indeed
  9. herbme

    Trimming Fan Leaves a Consensus Part 1

    ya agreed man 1
  10. herbme

    The Different Types Of High&Buzzes Thread!!

    indeed sativa i like much better but i have trouble finding it
  11. herbme

    im dumb...please help...clone question

    man take a clone from each mother and put it in 18 hours per day till it roots then when it roots put the clones under a light witch is only 12/12 seperate from the mothers and wait and see what they become
  12. herbme

    Veg to Flower Question

    thats what ive done for a couple years period of darkness i did just 24 hours of darkness tho and yet bud produces faster then when i went 12/12
  13. herbme

    Trimming Fan Leaves a Consensus Part 1

    listen up dead leaves have no value to the plant so remove them, the plants always evolve for the better not for the worse their fore you want the leaves on because they are their in the first place. bud does not preform photosythesis, leaves do. fdd2blk has the right answer let nature take course
  14. herbme

    If you only had 2-5 minutes before the cops came.....

    Lol just be like what since when is this shit illigal... And ya it's only a maximum of life in prison getting fucked in the ass, are you sure you want to take that risk still
  15. herbme

    question on seedling..

    Man you can do that it's not exactly nessicary and off you are using good fertilizer it would have calcium in it bit If your not using fert then ya it promotes fast cell growth and if you want add coffie grinds on top of the soil as it provides high nitrogen content witch is also very helffull...
  16. herbme

    plants during the winter

    theirs only one way to find out... ha it hink they should be fine how are you going to water them?
  17. herbme

    If you only had 2-5 minutes before the cops came.....

    Just play it like you didn't know it was illegal...
  18. herbme

    Northern Bright - first proper grow

    very nice! keep posting! nice setup
  19. herbme

    question on seedling..

    how close is your light? i bet that your light it closer then last year... :) your plant will accommodate for the environmental changes you give it, so move your light farther away and you get a tall plant. A closer light gives you, smaller but mabbie the leaves are broader. also can depend on...