Plants dyeing!!!! please help!! PICS


ok so i've been growing these 4 plants for a lil over 6 weeks now and everything has being going fine i would say until a few days ago when the leaves started drooping, and now on one of the plants' leaves are dying. Also some of the stems are turning a red colour.

They are in soil and i water every about 4-5 days with just normal tap water that has been left out for a bit, ahhh the plants are on a 20 on 4 off cycle. I think thats about it.

Please help me diagnose the problem



Well-Known Member
I'm a hydro man but I would say your ph is way off. Give the plants a good flush and after that PH your water to 6. Add your nutes to the water first before u PH to 6. Use only half strength nutes. I think this will solve your problem. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Yup if they have been in those pots for 6 wks the PH has surely faultered by now . Flush but top dress with dolomite lime with the last bit of water u run in .


Active Member
There's roots coming out of the crown and the plant is leaning. No way it has been in that container for 6 weeks so whatever you did recently is the cause.


Active Member
looks like pH imbalance to me too. give us some more info and we can help you better. but if that that is Miracle Grow soil, be careful with the nutes. you wont be able to flush to correct problems. over all your plants look pretty good. your grow space looks pretty small you may want to top and train them soon.
Im lucky I guess and never PH my water. I think it looks like heat, humidity, or not enough water. I always feel my dirt. Dig down about 2 or 3 inches with your finger. If it feels dry, water. I always break up my top dirt too before water. Break up the top inch so its lose and fluffy. If you lift your pots when wet you should be able to judge when thier dry that way too by lifting them.

When my plants look like this it's 9 out a 10 they need water. I keep a fan on mine ant keep the temp about 75-80. My humidity runs about 15. Lots of air is important to me.

What nutes ya using? When my plants looked like this I mixed up half strength Revive by Advanced and they perked right back up. I use 3/4 strength on my grow nutes, got General Hydro Grow and Micro and every 2 or 3 weeks I hit em with Organic B-1 by advanced.


Active Member
They look fine to me by the looks of the younger leaves. Don't look like they're dying. Red stems and a slight wilt don't really mean chit. They don't look over watered or oxygen deprived either. DON"T do dolomite either as some suggested here because 1 you haven't tested the soil PH yet, 2 you're too late, the damage is done and 3 in reality, as Uncle Ben says which I can also confirm too that ph problems are rare IN SOIL because the plant is really ph resilient. Went through a whole grow with <5.5 soil myself. If you haven't fed them yet now it's the time(some bottom leaves are yellowing) which is typical of MG soil after 4 weeks. Typically, the only PH issues to worry about is the synthetic nutrient mix if you're using it. Are you new to growing? What are you feeding the soil?


true they havnt been in the pot for the entire time, i transplanted about a week after the plants started to sprout from a plastic cup.

I'm not entirely sure wat type of soil it is, its just a multipurpose soil (ausfag)

So should i do a flush and then start introducing nutes? If so how do i flush?

Also the roots are starting to come out the bottom of the pot, should i be transplanting to a bigger pot?


Active Member
true they havnt been in the pot for the entire time, i transplanted about a week after the plants started to sprout from a plastic cup.

I'm not entirely sure wat type of soil it is, its just a multipurpose soil (ausfag)

So should i do a flush and then start introducing nutes? If so how do i flush?

Also the roots are starting to come out the bottom of the pot, should i be transplanting to a bigger pot?
There's really nothing to flush out if you haven't watered with any nutes. Can you neatly remove the pot(wait 'til it's sorta dry) and see a full rootball -roots all over the sides and bottom or entire soil mass taken up by roots? If so, I'd start with quarter to half strength vegetative nutes(@3-1-2 NPK ratio), then water next time a day or two, then go another quarter or half strength and resume normal rates therafter. Or just transplant into bigger a pot if you not using nutes during the veg period. Either way they'll need bigger pots at least a week or 2 before entering 12/12 light cycle.