tiny little white things in clayxs..


eh guys,

another question for ya.. this time about clones. i have about 10 of them and the other day i noticed some calyxs swelling, and hairs turning brown.its about 4 weeks into flowering. so today i picked one of the clalyxs off and opened it up. there was a really really tiny white hard matter in the middle. barely even visable..

does this mean theyre hermies orrr what?
also what are some early signs that a plant is starting to go hermie.. i know the yellow bananas.. and the big balls.. but there is neither on my clones so i donnoo..

ill get a picture up as soon as my batteries charge.



i dunno boys,
just ran out and picked up a twin and took a look at it...

inside the calyxs i still see a tiny little white hard thing..i think.. stuff was real sticky so it was hard to tell..
i never looked at weed that close before so i just thought it was a little weird

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Sounds like seeds to me. Look for male parts coming out of buds especially above or near where you think there are seeds forming. If you locat a hemaphrodite you should prbably destroy it and remove them.


ive been looking around the plants for any balls, but im more worried about the already formed flower, turning into a herm and producing seeds in my bud..

is there any indications of that?

heres some pics of the plants in question...



i made a new discovery haa..

i cut a bud off one of the clones and opened up a calyxs on it. i didnt break the white hairs because i wanted to see what they were attached to..

anyways they were attached to a small bubble..

does anyone know what that is?
heres a pic


That is what the seed would form from if it where to get pollinated. Relax it's not a hermi. The white hairs are not going to form in the same place as the male flowers.


Well-Known Member
It's an Alien! I suggest getting some sorta liquid metal, dunk that sucker in it, then blast that bitch wit some liquid nitrogen....just to be safe, better kill yourself, cause your genes are already fused with it and you could be ressurected so they can take your DNA and clone that bitch to grow aliens to do research on, but instead they take over the facility and you have to kill your own bastard alien child.

Not worth it for some weed...well, maybe it is...Carry on Soldier!


Everyone has had their questions and scares, this is due to over worriing about your plant haha Sit back smoke some god grass and chill :)