plants during the winter

I am going away on august 17th and i was wondering if there is any way i can just leave my plant inside without any fancy growing shit and then come back mid december or so and then build a grow room?


Well-Known Member
it all depends on the strain you're growing. some plants do very well with little to no maintenance other than watering, others require lots of care every day.


theirs only one way to find out... ha it hink they should be fine how are you going to water them?


Active Member
Raise a bucket of water high poke a small hole and run a string down to the soil, it should drip slow for a long time.
i have someone to water them for me while they are in my house...when i leave they will probably just be starting to flower, you think it will really affect the plant?


Active Member
I think it's poorly thought out, there are a lot of unknown unknowns, what if you get males, what if some shit goes down and people get into your house, fire, burglary, your friend slipping and bringing someone over that doesn't need to know? What if your friend doesn't treat them well, or forgets? Also if you leave it up to normal light and expect to be back in December your plant will have gone over its peak harvest period by then grown with natural light.


Active Member
Im not expert, but i do agree with Gblink3. Its kinda of a risky avenue to take with trusting someone else with your grow spot. He said it all already. Maybe the thing to do is just to wait til you come back. If you arent even home to enjoy it, then a little bit longer may not be so bad. Absence make the heart grow fonder.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
like mid grade "easy to get seeds" if i grew them in a nice grow room like a 8'X6' closet with good ventallation and grow lamps?:weed: