The Different Types Of High&Buzzes Thread!!


New Member
Keep in mind, their are other ways of achieving all of these Highs&Buzzes, and their are more Highs&Buzzes than just these. Keep this thread clean please. And enjoy!


1."Full-On Buzz"=When you smoke enough to get you medium visual distortion and slight body tingle.

2."Sleepy Buzz"=When you are high or have a Full-On Buzz and you come down from it but you still have a tired visual distortion lurking.

3."Happy Buzz"=When you smoked enough to get an ok buzz but you know that your feeling good and its ok.

4."Confused Buzz"=When you are buzzing and you are out of it, someone will be talking to you and you wont understand what the hell their talking about


1."High"=Hungry, Happy, High.

2."Stoned"=Cant really focus on some things, Jackie Chan eyed, and dont even want to get food even though you think your hungry.

3."Blazed"=You see that couch? Well thats your living are for a couple of hours.

4."Blitzed"=Dude, how did i get this high when we only smoked a joint? Good bud i guess.

5."MindFucked"=WHOAH. :eyesmoke:

Any tips or anything anyone want to offer?
Remember, keep this thread clean. Thanks!:weed:


Well-Known Member
If I were to break it down, it would be on a 3-dimensional chart.

Y=+10: Uplifted and Energized
Y=-10: Couchlocked and Meditative
X=+10: Clear and Connected (in terms of what's going on around you)
X=-10: Disjointed, Foggy

And the Z (0-10) axis would be intensity. (For me munchies are a wild card to a certain extent)

Examples (x,y,z):
Snowcap- (7.5, 8, 8)
Purple Kush- (-3, -4, 8)


Well-Known Member
I never have understood the different highs. It all comes down to how much I smoke. The progression is ver linear and predictable for me.

1 Hit is usually in my head high / energetic / social
few more start getting body stoned
few more and I am on my couch with a bag of doritos, big glass of water, ps3 controller, and drool in the corner of my mouth, and I am not moving
few more and I am taking a weed nap

I have never been really stoned and had a head high / uppity high. When I am really stoned I am couchlocked.


Well-Known Member
IDK about you, but when I get a heady "High" I feel anything but cough lock. Couldn't chill no matter I try. That's more of a buzzed thing.

grow space

Well-Known Member
So, talking about different highs/buzzes....Well, it all started when started to use shrooms...every time i smoked too if i tripped, it was magical :hump:

So, when i was smoking some good old stuff after some time i had tripped, then i felt so so strange...It was like i was on shrooms again, it was so intense...Like, when i was sitting on a couch i felt like my body was splitting, or as an example, when i looked at curtains-it looked so so beautiful and intense color, and with so many small details i saw on there....
Then i started to smoke a lil more and it has almost gone away, but when i smoke some quality shit, then it still comes back...flash, flash, flash....I also had a thread taling about this subject , and tahoe wrote some interesting stuff in there.....

So smoke on.....bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie