2 week old yellow leaves


Hi everyone. I have a few growing and all are fine except one.
I've given them diluted 10-10-10 nutes and they all did well, except the one I'm speaking of, the inside of its leaves received white/yellow/brown markings on its bottom leaves from the nutes so i stopped giving that one nutes on the occasion that i gave the other plants some. well it didn't get worse and more top leaves started growing so i gave it a very diluted 10-10-10 water and went to sleep.
When I woke up, the two highest leaves were not bright yellow but more like a.. losing their color yellow because you could see whitish green around them.
anyways heres a pictureplant.jpg

As you can see, theres that one bottom leave with markings on the inside of it..
and then the two tops leaves are turning brown kind of. They weren't that way last night. But when I woke up they were. It could be heat, because I have a sylvania spot grow 120 watt as of now and this plant right here was the one directly underneath it, the others as you can see are surrounding it.



Oh and yeah their jiffy pots probably one gallon. I put soil in them from organic cow manure/compost


Oh and if you want to take it even more literal, the box thats holding the plants.. is the bottom half of the Halo Reach legendary edition
Gotta love Halo!

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
I have a sylvania spot grow 120 watt as of now and this plant right here was the one directly underneath it, the others as you can see are surrounding it.
We're pretty sure that this one was either heat burned out light burned.

While this particular one was probably burned, you should keep in mind that manure is acidic, drains very poorly and doesn't let alot of air to the roots. Peat, also, doesn't drain very well.


We're pretty sure that this one was either heat burned out light burned.

While this particular one was probably burned, you should keep in mind that manure is acidic, drains very poorly and doesn't let alot of air to the roots. Peat, also, doesn't drain very well.
Yeah.. It probably was burned, I thought so, just wanted to clarify.
I've read a lot that Sylvanias weren't worth a shit but that was before the fact I bought one.. Anyways.. I have a couple more questions if your still here.
Should I cut the brown part off of them?
Okay so manure is acidic, but is compost as well?
Also, even though it may be acidic is it good if you balance the PH?
And also, if you can get a good idea of the size of my plants, when should I transfer them before their roots get to the bottom. The plants are around 15 days old. And I believe they are very stretched from comparing other two week olds on here that are short and fluffy.

Thanks for helping me so far, everyone included.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
1. While it's sometimes done for cloning, you usually don't cut parts of leaves off. Either cut the whole leaf off or leave it. Damaged leaves should usually be left on until the problem causing the damage is alleviated. Otherwise, the damage will just move to other leaves.

2. Most of the time. It depends on the ingredients.

3. We can't say any unknown compost is good or bad. Most farm manures aren't that good for potted plants. They're much better when tilled into outdoor soil and allowed time to break down. The pH of a fertilizer is almost irrelevant to its quality & performance. Many ferts are too acidic or alkaline and need to be adjusted for use. Our #1 flowering nutrient, Palm Ash, is pH 12.

4. You don't have to prevent the roots from touching the bottom. It takes quite awhile after they reach the bottom for problems to occur. Letting some of the roots hit bottom will reduce the pot size they'll ultimately need to finish flowering in. The roots also hold the soil together when transplanting, if allowed to spread throughout the soil.


Actualy what has happened here is lack of oxygen within the rooting environment. Listen to me buy some perlite, 25% perlite is nearly perfect, and re-pot the plant in this mixture. If you have an extra couple dollars get some powdered rooting hormone to mix with the water for feeding. Also when transplanting bury the stem another half inch.