Search results

  1. Stoobie

    Am i using the wrong soil?(miracle grow potting soil)

    You don't have to add anything to Fox Farm soil if you don't want. It's already a decent mix. I like the Fox Farm Ocean Forest (you'll see it often referred to as FFOF) mixed with some Fox Farm Light Warrior. I do 2 parts FFOF to 1 part LW, but you can do 50/50 or whatever works for you. Give it...
  2. Stoobie

    General Hydroponics I use these ratios. I rarely mix full strength. Is that the information you're looking for?
  3. Stoobie

    Pre-flowring with no 12/12 ? ? ?

    Those are called stipules. The calyx (which will push out 2 white pistils) will form between the stipule and the limb.
  4. Stoobie

    Cloning Questions

    I dont see roots for atleast 2 weeks. This is not uncommon. It's on the slow side, but not all that bad. Could be better. Do you need to flush the mother before taking clones? (mother is in top feed drip system) No. I leave my moms on their regular feeding schedule. Do you Need to Mist the...
  5. Stoobie


    Ed Rosenthal has written some things that might answer your question. His book, Marijuana Medical Handbook: Practical Guide to Therapeutic Uses of Marijuana, might be exactly what you're looking for. I'm not a doctor or chemist or anything like that, so take what I say with that in mind. But...
  6. Stoobie

    I've heard of a couple of discount codes, but neither worked. I also bought a filter/fan combo (through Atlantis, not HTGS), and I'm not really happy with the filter. I'm not knowledgeable about the Growbright brand filters sold by HTGS, but they may be just fine. That said, I've seen (and...
  7. Stoobie

    rooting powder?

    I've never seen Clonex at my local garden center, but it's not the only brand that works. (It is very popular though, so you can find it online if you wish.) Any rooting agent (powder, gel, mix) will work. In fact, it's not totally necessary. You can get a cutting to root with just water. If...
  8. Stoobie

    Re-pot during flowering?*PIC*

    With those plastic pots, you could just cut the bottoms off the pots and place them, pots and all, in a larger pot. I've heard that causes less stress. I'm not experienced enough to know how well that would work, but it's worth a shot.
  9. Stoobie


    Where did you get the tent?
  10. Stoobie

    First Multi-plant grow

    This is an overall view of my garden today. It was warm out today, so I have some heat stress. This picture was taken just after lights out. A trusted friend gave me some Afghan seeds. This particular seed sprouted 1/8/10 and was put in 12-12 on 2/1. Here we are 20 days later and I still have...
  11. Stoobie

    Problem Posting Pics

    I get a blank page there too. Where did you find that link? I'm trying to figure this out too.
  12. Stoobie

    How do you PH?

    What is General Hydroponics pH Up and Down? What's in that bottle? My quart-sized bottles just say "acid" and "base." To answer the original questions: I use GH pH up and down. It's cheap, performs consistently, and seems to last a long time. I already know how much pH down I'll need, so I...
  13. Stoobie

    different strains in tent

    Plant sex was already determined before your plant sprouted. You could put many different strains together without worrying about males/hermaphrodites. Proximity to other strains has no bearing on sex. FYI: I am no botanist, but I'm pretty sure this is the correct answer.
  14. Stoobie

    Which Nutrients do you use for hydro?

    I use GH 3-part mainly because it's what my local hydro store keeps in stock, and it's in my price range.
  15. Stoobie

    the 10 mistakes i've made... thought i might share with you

    Good observations. Regarding #5, I tried to mix up a gallon of nutes once while totally out of my mind. I put in like 3 times more GH Flora micro than I needed. I then tried to dilute it by mixing 3 containers. Long story short, I ended up with 3 containers with 3 vastly different ppm. I wound...
  16. Stoobie

    First time grow, what lights should I buy?

    For a closet that size, I would say go for the 400 watt HPS. I used CFLs for a few grows and got decent results. However, when I switched to HPS, I didn't have to worry about keeping the plants so close to the bulbs. With CFL I was spending an inordinate amount of time adjusting lights. With...
  17. Stoobie

    Leaf question with pic

    Make sure your pH is spot on.
  18. Stoobie

    regrowth on buds??

    Anonymuss is right. That thing does suck. I have yet to find a microscope that works well for me; haven't tried active eye though. Getting back to the OP's question, I wouldn't worry about it. Let it grow and it will be fine. After you harvest, you'll definitely want to make some hash.
  19. Stoobie

    yes, i over watered like a noob... now what??

    Keep your fan circulating the air. That's your best bet. Make sure there is no water in the drip trays under your pots. If the pots drip when you pick them up, put a towel (I would use paper towels because they're clean) under the pot to help wick away some water. Plants drown slowly. You're...
  20. Stoobie

    baken buds in the oven ...

    I've tried the oven and microwave. Neither worked well for me. By the time bud was dry enough to smoke, it was vaporised bud. Here are 2 methods that have worked for me: 1) Use your vaporizer if you have one. Cut up the wet bud, and let it dry on a tray for an hour or so. Vape...