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  1. Stoobie

    Arkansas Growers

    Closest one to HS is Fermentables in the Levy area of North Little Rock. They're decent fellows in there.
  2. Stoobie

    does this hemp salve have actual thc in it?

    I assure you, there's no THC in that product.
  3. Stoobie

    Need some assistance

    My first guess would be too much fertilizer. Let the soil dry out first, then give it a good watering...enough that water comes out the bottom of the pot for a bit. You want to do this 3 or 4 times in an hour or so. That should flush any excess fertilizer. Then let her be for around 14 days...
  4. Stoobie

    Question about Fox Farm Nutes......

    I have never tried Fox Farm nutes, so I cannot comment on that. I use General Hydroponics 3-part nutrients with great success in Sunshine Mix #4. I use the full 3-part system for veg. I use GH's recommendation for transition with extra FloraBloom for the first couple weeks...I like the extra...
  5. Stoobie

    ak47 how tall and how close to the light!!

    You can expect plants to quickly double or triple in size within a few weeks of 12/12. This stretching can be rather difficult to stop. So, remember to start flowering earlier next time to keep short plants. For this grow, search this site for low stress training (LST) and supercropping...
  6. Stoobie

    Whats wrong? Can anyone help?

    It could easily be heat stress. Go ahead and fill that pot the rest of the way with some soil. That will keep your root temperature more consistent, keep your pH more consistent, and keep your moisture more consistent.
  7. Stoobie

    Whats The Best Medium For Clones?

    I like Sunshine Mix #4. I've used it and Fox Farm Light Warrior with great success.
  8. Stoobie

    clone lighting

    If it's from a flowering mother, 24/0. Otherwise, I do 18/6.
  9. Stoobie

    Forgot to cut off 60% of fan leaves when cloning today

    As long as they're in a humidity dome, you're probably good to go. If your clones are falling over when you get home, go ahead and trim them. If they're standing, I'd leave them. I doubt it will matter much one way or the other; I just tend to err on the side of doing less.
  10. Stoobie

    Necrotic patch on main stem is spreading; branches wilt and die :(

    It looks like an insect has bored its way into your stalk. Your first step might be to try to catch it with a sticky strip. Then, you'll have to step up to poisons or find a way to suffocate the insect. Of course, I might be wrong. Hold out hope that someone will come along with a better...
  11. Stoobie

    Beginner needing a bit of guidance.

    Also, check for a home brewing store in your area. Many of these places also sell hydro supplies. Sometimes places advertise that they have brewing stuff more than hydro stuff.
  12. Stoobie

    Beginner needing a bit of guidance.

    Lava rocks break down rather quickly. You'll find yourself with lots of red sand in your reservoir. They'll work, but hydroton is better. You can get a EC/PPM meter for around $30. I got the one from HM, and it seems to work fine. Don't forget to get calibration solution...
  13. Stoobie

    apartment needs to be bug bombed (for fleas), need input

    Bug bombs are flammable. Go ahead and turn off all your lights and fans. Your plants can handle the darkness. Since you're in an apartment, you probably can't move the plants outside; but, that would be ideal.
  14. Stoobie

    PH--- Is it better

    I usually have air moving in my reservoir, so I take a sample and check it. If your solution is moving, the pH should be pretty consistent throughout. If you take a good sample in a clean container, the pH should be exactly the same as in your reservoir. That said, many pH pens, particularly the...
  15. Stoobie

    If My Separate Garage Smells, Can They Search The House?

    The answer to your question is hard to elucidate. If a cop smells something he believes to be illegal emanating from your garage, he has probable cause to enter. This probable cause to enter does not extend to the house unless the cop states that he observed people moving from the house to the...
  16. Stoobie

    Need high temps help?

    The cheap route is to get a window unit air conditioner. You can build an inexpensive shelf to hold it and keep a container under it to catch water. If you have a few more bucks to spend, this page might give you some good ideas...
  17. Stoobie

    eek, plant problem

    Your problem doesn't appear to be fertilizer. You appear to have a heat and water problem. You want to water till the soil is soaked, then let it dry out till the container feels light. Sure, there are better fertilizers out there, but plenty of decent plants have been grown with Miracle Grow...
  18. Stoobie

    Pets: Growroom Friend or Foe?

    I say foe too. I have an indoor-only white cat who looks for any opportunity to chew on fan leaves and get hair all over my sticky buds.
  19. Stoobie

    why dont my plant let out any smell

    I agree with Chubby. Grab a stem and give it a wiggle. It should release some smell.
  20. Stoobie

    31.5x31.5x60? Check out HTGS's 400 watt system. With your price range, you could upgrade to a cool tube, which will help keep heat down in your tent.