Forgot to cut off 60% of fan leaves when cloning today

Kevin A

Active Member
I'm at work now and it just hit me, "Oh shit!! I forgot to cut some of the leaf tips". Will it hurt them if I go home after work and do it??


Well-Known Member
i have cloned many plants and have never chopped the leaves like they show in cloning.. you just don't want a tree with a ton of leaves that transpire moisture. some leaf is good though because when you spray the clone, the leaves will help absorb more water..


Well-Known Member
As long as they're in a humidity dome, you're probably good to go. If your clones are falling over when you get home, go ahead and trim them. If they're standing, I'd leave them. I doubt it will matter much one way or the other; I just tend to err on the side of doing less.