Pre-flowring with no 12/12 ? ? ?


Well-Known Member
Hey,im growing Barny's farm LSD fem.
250w Hps light. 6.5 weeks of veg.
in the last two weeks i came down from 24h light cycle
to 18/6 hours. last night the electric clock got
fucket up-so it did a 17/7 cycle. and this morning i see this:
unless im mistaken it for something else-this
is the starting of sexing right? what can be the reason for that??
thanks for your help guys!



Well-Known Member
:leaf:no those are not pistals.. I used 2 mistake those 4 pistals too in my early days ov growin. but those things r normal on mostly all plants, I dont think ur plant wud start 2 show preflowering in jus 1 day of 17/7:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Those are called stipules. The calyx (which will push out 2 white pistils) will form between the stipule and the limb.


Well-Known Member
The plant is just forming preflowers, they do that when sexually mature.

That's why all this bullshit about going to 12/12 and then back to vegging is just that ... bullshit.

When the plants are sexually mature, they will show pre flowers REGARDLESS of the light cycle.

You, thank God, had enough patience to find that out for yourself.

Good on you.


Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Your second photo is the only one that is showing signs of preflowers and I can't make out whether they are destined to be male or female, hopefully you used feminised seeds.

I have a L.S.D. plant with preflowers and will be 12/12ing her in a day or two.

I also have a female L.S.D. that is now growing male flowers ... but that is deliberate :-)