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  1. Blackvalor

    Outdoor Grow In City!

    I admire your enthusiasm, I just don't think you truly understand how this works. I was like you when I first started growing... Wanting to get rich off a hard summers work, but once you actually get growing you realize how much there is to it. I still say do a dozen or so quality plants, 4...
  2. Blackvalor

    Outdoor Grow In City!

    The work you'd have to put into prepping spots, carrying in supplies, watering, trimming and drying for 200-300, 8-9 ft plants would be unreal. Not to mention you would get caught and go to federal prison. My advice; try guerrilla growing a handful of plants before going full on commercial. See...
  3. Blackvalor

    Need sound advice (seedlings)

    I like how you say "his", when you really mean yourself.
  4. Blackvalor

    Any opinions?

    Not to be argumentative, but I don't see the point in letting the plant get to the point of yellowing/dying leaves. Preventative maintenance goes a long way. IMHO a quarter strength tea wouldn't come close to burning them.
  5. Blackvalor

    Any opinions?

    Yeah I hear what you're saying. Different strokes for different folks :). Gotta compliment you on that plant though. She's a beaut.
  6. Blackvalor

    Any opinions?

    What root theory would that be? I don't remember saying anything about bigger roots not equaling bigger buds.... In my experience plants grow fastest once the roots have been well established in their container. I'm not the only grower that moves up in pot size before transplanting into their...
  7. Blackvalor

    Any opinions?

    The question wasn't directed towards me, but I'll give you a little input anyway :). I go solo cup, 2.5 gallon nursery pot then into 15 gallon smart pots. The first year I went from solo cups straight into 30 gallon holes and it took a long time for them to start growing (plant was focusing on...
  8. Blackvalor

    Any opinions?

    If you're going the organic route you don't really have to worry about nute burning your plants anyway. The choice is yours, but at that stage I always give mine a light feeding. Good luck
  9. Blackvalor

    Any opinions?

    It probably wouldn't hurt to give them a light dose. Don't get crazy though. Start with 1/4-1/2 strength and see how they respond.
  10. Blackvalor

    Girls are taking a beating

    You should always acclimate your plants slowly to the sunlight, or you risk sun bleached leaves/shock. The sun is thousands of times stronger than any compact fluorescent. A good way to acclimate is to set them in shade or indirect sunlight for a week before full sun. Hope they pull through
  11. Blackvalor

    Any opinions?

    The pots you started in are decent sized. I usually start in solo cups and notice a big increase in growth as soon as the roots have filled in the pot. I'm betting that yours will do the same.
  12. Blackvalor

    Moving out stretch

    18/6 can cause flowering if the difference in outside light is too drastic. Idk where you reside, but where I'm at (42 latitude) we're barely getting 14.5 hours of daylight. Supplemental light can help bring them out of it. That or just let them ride it out.
  13. Blackvalor

    Moving out stretch

    How many hours of light did you have them on when they were inside?
  14. Blackvalor

    What deficiency or problem is this?

    Looks like the beginning signs of leaf blight... I had it last year and it's a bitch.
  15. Blackvalor

    Moving out stretch

    I ended up topping twice using "uncle bens" topping technique the first time. Average yield was between 6-8 oz. grown in 5 gallon pails. The stretch is strange though... At first you think it's flowering, but no pistils show. The stem thickens after the first cotyledons and the nodes stretch...
  16. Blackvalor

    Moving out stretch

    Mine are doing the same thing, they did it last year too. I'm growing out Frisian dew and purple maroc. I'd say its normal. They turned out fine last year
  17. Blackvalor

    Marijuana grow myths

    Not sure if joking or serious... RIU is definitely not a kids site:wall:
  18. Blackvalor

    outdoor rural stealth grow

    Worst idea ever.
  19. Blackvalor

    Guerrilla grow help needed urgently!

    I only really tie down when it's wet and I'm worried about too much moisture being trapped inside the plant. And it will happen if you top your plants alot. They will turn into bushes. As far as watering, cannabis roots like to breathe. As long as you have a good draining soil you can give it a...
  20. Blackvalor

    outdoor night temps

    16/8 will probably be fine. I'm just over cautious. The longest day of the year is something like 15.5 hours.