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  1. Blackvalor


    What I do with my plants is take a sheet of glass big enough to cover my plants from overhead and put supports on 4 corners. Overturned 2.5 gallon nursery pots work fine. This stops the fragile seedlings from getting pounded by rain but still let's light through.
  2. Blackvalor

    Guerrilla grow help needed urgently!

    It's no problem at all. I wish I had someone to give me advice when I started... Learning the hard way sucks. I start off with a good pro-mix for a base soil. It's pretty much just sphagnum peat and perlite. To that I add some organics. Bone meal, blood meal, worm castings/composted chicken or...
  3. Blackvalor


    The stems on a couple of them look a little stretched. Try giving them some more direct sunlight, or bury the stems a bit when you repot. Other than that they look like pretty healthy seedlings. EDIT: Just noticed that your first seedling is a trifoliate, very cool. I actually one doing the...
  4. Blackvalor

    outdoor night temps

    I'm also in the northeast and have started to acclimate my seedlings to the outdoors. 40 temps at night isn't going to kill em, they're a lot more hearty than you might think. Something I would worry about is early flowering. If your light schedule is anything more than 18/6 you might wanna...
  5. Blackvalor

    Guerrilla grow help needed urgently!

    Haha. That's a tough one... There are so many variables; amount of light, soil, nutes, strain, topping/LST, skill of grower ect ect. In my neck of the woods (northeast) a good outdoor plant is a half pound, but 1 pounders are possible if you really pay attention to what the plant needs. Set...
  6. Blackvalor

    what do you think so far?? first grow

    Way to split hairs. Either way the plant is dead...
  7. Blackvalor

    Need some advice on aclamating clones to outdoor

    The whole "feminized seeds are more prone to herming" is pretty much a myth. I've used fem seeds in multiple grows from several different breeders and never had an issue. You will save yourself time and money in the long run by using them by not having to dig holes/buy soil for potential males.
  8. Blackvalor

    Guerrilla grow help needed urgently!

    I've never actually grown out an auto, although I did receive one as a freebie with my last order. I feel like growing inside under an HID would be your best bet, as with autos you have limited time for growth and could have lights on them 24/7. I'm going start mine probably late may outdoors...
  9. Blackvalor

    3-week old seedlings knocked down by rain and hail, pics

    Oh man... They certainly did take a beating. The best advice I can offer is to try and prop em up with something so that they're not laying in the mud and hope for better weather. I like to start mine inside until they're about 8-9 inches tall and hardy enough to withstand some rain and wind...
  10. Blackvalor

    Ready to Harvest or Not?pics

    Imo that plants needs a couple more weeks at least. I only see a few orange hairs starting and the buds haven't swollen yet. Would it be possible to extend their season with either light deprivation or by bringing them inside?
  11. Blackvalor

    Guerrilla grow help needed urgently!

    Sounds good. One thing to keep in mind is that there is no shortage of pests outdoors. Insects will chew holes in your leaves. You may have to deal with molds and fungus, too. But the biggest problem you're likely to have is rabbits and deer. Don't underestimate them. A buddy of mine had ten 12...
  12. Blackvalor

    Guerrilla grow help needed urgently!

    They've been vegging under a fish tank led for a couple weeks now, along with some Frisian Dews. They're about 7 inches tall and incredibly stocky. This is my first time growing them, but they seem to be pretty vigorous in terms of growth, surpassing my Frisian Dews. I'll probably start...
  13. Blackvalor

    Guerrilla grow help needed urgently!

    I'm on a 14/10 schedule with my purple Marocs. When I put them outside I want the light level to increase instead of staying the same. Better safe than sorry.
  14. Blackvalor

    Moving indoor plant outside?

    If the OP would be so kind as to clarify the question we could help. Lol
  15. Blackvalor

    what do you think so far?? first grow

    Hard to say what chewed the top off. My bet would be a mouse or other rodent. That plant won't regrow. Seedlings that young don't have the energy reserves to produce a second top.
  16. Blackvalor

    Moving indoor plant outside?

    I'm not too familiar with the weather in Cali, but the time left for a spring harvest is getting slim... Daylight is increasing fast and reveg before they're finished is a real possibility.
  17. Blackvalor

    Moving indoor plant outside?

    Switching from 20-4 to 12-12 is just asking your plant to flower... Decrease your light schedule gradually over the course of a couple weeks. Tie the plant down to buy yourself some time. The last thing you want is your plant to flower, then reveg. You'll lose so much time.
  18. Blackvalor

    flowering in april?? not an auto!

    They're flowering because you put them out too early. Don't bother with flowering nutes. The plants will realize that the days are getting longer and start to reveg
  19. Blackvalor

    Need help- First time growing

    You gave a gallon of water to a 5 day old seedling?
  20. Blackvalor

    Any of you guys ever use grow bags?

    This isn't possible for all areas. For example: several of my plots this year have ground that is soggy and wet. Not quite a swamp, but if I were to dig a hole and fill it with amendments it would turn into a soup.