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  1. Blackvalor

    Tree Frog on Guard!

    That's pretty cool. I had a similar one on a plant last year. Found this little guy when I was mulching today
  2. Blackvalor

    I really want to try outdoors.. but

    Sounds like the northeast.... I don't see why you couldn't grow in those conditions. People do it all the time, with success I might add. As long as you protect them as seedlings they should be fine.
  3. Blackvalor

    Need some help pleae e

    What he's saying is most fields are chopped before the plant is ready for harvest. If they are picking the corn chances are they'll let it sit till November or so to dry, leaving enough time for your plants to finish. Corn fields aren't ideal spots to grow.
  4. Blackvalor

    Frisian dew re-veg

    No input? Might just have to ride this one out and see.
  5. Blackvalor

    Frisian dew re-veg

    What's up, guys? Hoping to get a little input from people who've experienced re-veg. I started some Frisian dews under led lighting a month prior to bringing them outdoors. Despite the 15/9 light cycle they started to flower, not much, just small clusters of pistils. Anyway, they've started...
  6. Blackvalor

    First Outdoor Grow

    Probably Cheeto dust... Try wiping it off.
  7. Blackvalor

    First Outdoor Grow

  8. Blackvalor

    Help! My seedlings are becoming covered in what looks like salt!

    Sounds like the leaf discoloration is the start of nutrient burn. Miracle grow can be used, but its a strong, concentrated fertilizer. It needs to be used at half or even quarter strength and I wouldn't suggest fertilizing every few waterings... More like once every two weeks or as necessary.
  9. Blackvalor

    A warning onusing smart pots

    I don't know how wet your ground is, but I welcome a little bit of water in the soil underneath the pot. In fact, my guerrilla grow is in a swamp with spongy ground. It acts as a wick, making it so I don't have to water as often on those hot days.
  10. Blackvalor

    preflower question

    In reality... (Actually all females) :wall:
  11. Blackvalor


    Yeah.. That's no good, man. That's a hermie if I ever did see one. If you let the plant go it will probably self pollinate, creating seeds. However the seeds will most likely carry the hermaphrodite gene, which is no bueno.
  12. Blackvalor

    preflower question

    Why is everyone so quick to chop down plants they arent sure of?...From the time male flowers are identified to the time they have developed into full blown nanners is about two weeks, in my experience. Plenty of time to get a positive identification. It's not like one day you need a magnifying...
  13. Blackvalor

    Odd color on new growth?

    Nothing to worry about... My Hollands hope did the same thing. You'll notice it go away as the leaf continues to grow.
  14. Blackvalor

    Solstice question

    Only one way to find out. Put em out and report back
  15. Blackvalor

    Solstice question

    I would say yes, put them out right after the solstice. The plants will sense the daylight progressively getting shorter and start to flower; especially when going from 24/7 to 15/9. Remember to acclimate them to the sunlight though. No one wants sun bleached leaves.
  16. Blackvalor

    Outdoor Grow 2014

    "Fight fight fight!!"
  17. Blackvalor

    Any Tips/Advice For A First Time Grower

    Put up chicken wire around the base of your plants to protect them from deer and rabbits. Buy a cheap sprayer from a garden center and spray your plants with one of the many mixtures found online. Neem is a popular one that will deter bugs. Never leave trash at your grow. Makes it stick out...
  18. Blackvalor

    Pacific Northwest Guerilla grow

    Looking good. I like the natural barrier of logs you've got going on. As others have said, maybe trim back some of the trees to increase light, but not so much as to make it noticeable. Also watch out for rabbits. I don't know how they are out there, but back east they make quick meals out of...
  19. Blackvalor

    Whats a fair split between partners?

    Your first mistake is growing with a partner at all. You're breaking the golden rule....
  20. Blackvalor

    Is this a marijuana plant?? PLZ HELP

    If they are they're the strangest looking seedlings I've ever seen. From the pics I can see seeds, whether they're empty or not I can't tell. Why did you decide to use landscaping mulch instead of soil?