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  1. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    @Thomas2681 You should be fine to top again. Yours shouldn't go into flower until early August. @northeastmarco Thank you. I have them growing in 15 gallon roots organics fabric pots, but I think they have reached their potential with the root space available. Next year I will go with 45's...
  2. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    We've had some pretty strong thunderstorms and wind the past few days, but all the ladies seem to be holding up well. As a precaution I staked all my girls to keep them upright. Still trying to figure out how I'm going to support my branches when they get heavy with buds.
  3. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Plants don't usually start flowering until the first week in August where I'm at (43 latitude). I'd say you have time for one more topping.
  4. Blackvalor

    uk outdoor grow 2014-The one we have all been waiting for!...

    When you say split between x amount of people, do you mean grow partners?
  5. Blackvalor

    Plants found! Help

    If you planted 400 plants in one spot.. You're an idiot.
  6. Blackvalor

    Wish I went solo/ Slacking partners

    Finish out the year on good terms. Even though you may want to freak out and let em have it that's just asking for people to get pissed and cause problems come harvest. Like someone said, you can try sitting them down and talking it out but don't expect it to change anything. The best thing...
  7. Blackvalor

    Best way to find out a thief of your crap

    You're a smart guy. It's an easy thing to get mad and want revenge, but it takes a bigger person to let it go. Word gets around. People will know that he's a scumbag and can't be trusted and ultimately that will be your revenge.
  8. Blackvalor

    Pruneing Outdoors

    A week or two before flowering.
  9. Blackvalor

    Anyone have suggestions on good trail camera for guerrilla grow?

    @brimck325 Didn't mean to offend. Best of luck to you this season. @PurpleZombie That's nuts, dude... That trail cam most likely saved you some trouble. I've heard stories of LEO's staking out grows with trail cams waiting to catch the grower in action. Always have to be observant... Stay...
  10. Blackvalor

    Anyone have suggestions on good trail camera for guerrilla grow?

    This probably doesn't apply to you, since you're such a guerrilla guru and all.. But no matter how hard you try you're going to make a small trail during the season, it just happens. To get a good harvest you need to tend your grow (watering/feeding/topping/staking and what have you) so what if...
  11. Blackvalor

    Anyone have suggestions on good trail camera for guerrilla grow?

    Okay Sherlock, you're willing to tell me that if someone walked through your grow site you would be able to tell automatically? Do you have some kind of weed growing 6th sense or do you prefer to talk to the trees to get your info...
  12. Blackvalor

    Anyone have suggestions on good trail camera for guerrilla grow?

    I imagine if someone found your plants during veg with the intention of coming back to grab buds later you would know and either harvest early or move them if they were in pots. They also make trail cams that send pictures via real time to your smartphone. (Expensive) Would be pretty handy if...
  13. Blackvalor

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Greetings from the northeast! Here's a few pics from one of my guerrilla plots. Strain is purple maroc in 15 gallon roots organics fabric pots. This taller one is my trifoliate, topped twice starting at the 5th node. (Brother for scale) Thinking about starting with maxsea bloom nutes...
  14. Blackvalor

    is july to early?

    Last year was my second year growing and my carelessness lead to one of my plots being discovered. It was only two plants, but they were two of my nicest. It's a horrible feeling, but nothing teaches a lesson quite like failure.
  15. Blackvalor

    is july to early?

    Not debating the oz or more per plant. From the sounds of it this guy is new to growing and probably doesn't have access to 100 or more fem seeds/clones needed to pull off a large harvest. There's also the problem of finding spots for all those plants, considering the one he had was found. He...
  16. Blackvalor

    is july to early?

    I'm willing to bet he planted them on either public land, or someone else's land. In either case getting ripped is just part of the game. Now if they were on his property then I can see why his pants are in a bunch, but from the sounds of it this isn't the case. Also, idk where you guys live...
  17. Blackvalor

    is july to early?

    It sucks to have that happen, but you should be grateful that you didn't get caught.. Stealth is key in guerrilla growing. That being said, it's not too late to start outside. You won't get huge yields, but some is better than none.
  18. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Thanks for the praise and words of encouragement. It is a lot of work, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. Hoping that these ladies make it to harvest cause there's still a long way to go. Glad that someone made a thread specifically for the northeast. Lots of really talented growers...
  19. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Thanks. It's a lot of hard work, but so rewarding.
  20. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Visited one of my guerrilla patches today and snapped a few pics. Strain is Frisian dew in 15 gallon roots organics fabric pots. This one went into flower when I put it outside in may. It has since revegged nicely. This one is a bit taller with less side branching so I decided to give it...