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  1. B

    Container vs. garden soil

    Transplanted 2 days ago, looks to be recovered already since it started growing again. The other one I just transplanted earlier tonight.
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    Container vs. garden soil

    So, I just need to transplant again in something else? How much will that affect my plants?
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    Container vs. garden soil

    Slow release. Both plants are 6 weeks old. One plant is burned a little already because it was in MG organic potting soil before. The other one was too but it seems to be doing fine. I have been watering based on my moisture meter and only when the soil reads dry (2 or 3/10) about 6 inches...
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    First Grow - Mystery Leaves

    Miracle-gro but no nutes? I'd check that package if I were you. I'm using the same brand and mine has slow and quick release fertilizer already added. But I don't think that's the issue. Growing at 24/0 in jiffy pots, they may already be root bound which would explain the slowed growth...
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    Container vs. garden soil

    I was trying to be sarcastic hence the eyeroll. Anyways, yes it's MG organic choice .10-.05-.10 NPK. It says it's not for containers because water will pool around the rots giving them root rot. Will 33% perlite keep this from happening? I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this.
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    Container vs. garden soil

    So, I recently transplanted my babies into 3 gal pots from 1 gal pots. I needed more soil and accidentally picked up garden soil instead of container soil. I added about 33% perlite when preparing the soil. Then I noticed it the soil bag said it was specifically not for containers. Is this...
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    Help diagnose my plants

    I'm only posting this because I think others can benefit from my retardation. I went to flush my soil today and took off the bottom piece of the pot and, low and behold, I saw 2-3 roots sticking out into the bottom. So, I don't know for sure if this was the cause of the leaves dying but it...
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    Help diagnose my plants

    Thanks but the bag says it has plant food for 2 months.
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    Help diagnose my plants

    Yeah, ph is around 6.8-7.0 (my meter is cheap) for both pots right now so I don't think it's nute lockout from the ph. I haven't flushed since I started mainly because I'm worried about overwatering again. Still, if it is salt build up wouldn't it look similar to nute burn? Also, I didn't...
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    Help diagnose my plants

    I'm growing in MG organic with 2 months of plant food under a 400w HPS. Temps are between 74-84, humidity 40%. One on left is 10" and one on left is 7.5" Initially overwatered so it stunted their grow for about a week. My leaf tips are turning up them yellowing then browning and dying...
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    Yellow spots, 7th week of flowering

    From the pics its looks like heat stress or nute burn But yellowing at this point is totally normal. However, from what I've read, it should start on the lower leaves.
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    growing with regular lights

    Haha, yeah. I'm dumb.
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    growing with regular lights

    I'm a complete noob to growing BUT my first "grow" consisted of 3 50 watt standard lights. Took about 4 months total from seed to flower and all I got was a 1/4 oz. So, yeah you can do it but, no, it's definitely not reccomended. Get some daylight (cool) cfl's for vegging and then switch...
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    Did I screw my soil mix up?

    Thanks, littlewing. Should I worry that the soil is bone dry at the moment? I mean, I doused it pretty good today but most of it ran through. Moisture meter reads just into moist from dry, how can I water so not to overwater but saturate the soil a little bit again?
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    Did I screw my soil mix up?

    Well, I started by overwatering and then went to underwatering. I bought a ph/moisture meter today to help prevent any further screwups. I have 2 plants in self-watering pots so I have been watering from the bottom since about 2 weeks in. I wanted to make sure I had good drainage in my soil...
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    Help a beginner

    Thanks for the help everyone. I picked up a moisture meter to help me out in the future.
  17. B

    Help a beginner

    Wait, seriously? I was freaking out here. lol. I know the picture doesn't show it too well but the bottom leaves are yellow with brown spots and blotches (Color in pic is off). I think I'll take your word for it though because yeah I did overwater the right one more than the left. Thanks...
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    Help a beginner

    So, after much reading on here I decided to start my "second" grow. To preface this I'm an absolute noob with no green thumb at all. Feel free to laugh all you want at the situation but please help me out here. Both seeds popped right up after 3-4 days, the one one the left has been vegging...
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    Confused and looking for a post/thread (Total n00b!)

    Dude, I love this thread. Keep up the good work!
  20. B

    Help buying a ballast for HPS

    Thanks for all the input guys, I went to my local hydroponics store today and pick up a lighting system. 400w Agrosun combined MH/HPS, ballast and reflector. I'm happy, gonna set it up tomorrow since I couldn't really walk through the house with all that in my arms. I think I'll upgrade to 4...