Container vs. garden soil

So, I recently transplanted my babies into 3 gal pots from 1 gal pots. I needed more soil and accidentally picked up garden soil instead of container soil.

I added about 33% perlite when preparing the soil. Then I noticed it the soil bag said it was specifically not for containers.

Is this awesome? y/n :roll:


Well-Known Member
what do you mean by awesome? does the soil have nutes in it? do you have any clue why it says its not for containers?
I was trying to be sarcastic hence the eyeroll.

Anyways, yes it's MG organic choice .10-.05-.10 NPK. It says it's not for containers because water will pool around the rots giving them root rot. Will 33% perlite keep this from happening?

I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this.


Well-Known Member
um id go 20% perlite 20% sand and put some good drain holes in your container should be fine cept for those nuts do you know if it slow release or if thats just what the estimate the soil to naturally be supplying, if the plant are older than three weeks it shold befine as long as you dont over water, or too often slow release soil can work if you know what your doing beside it sounds like you plant on diluteing it with other thing like perlite and sand ;)
Slow release. Both plants are 6 weeks old.

One plant is burned a little already because it was in MG organic potting soil before. The other one was too but it seems to be doing fine. I have been watering based on my moisture meter and only when the soil reads dry (2 or 3/10) about 6 inches down so I'm close to the bottom of the root zone.

So, if I wanted to add more perlite or some sand, how can I do that since they are already potted?

Thanks for all your help guys. It's much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
how long have they been in the three gallon pots? if its been a week its probally ok to transfer again takes em awhile to recuperate re-potting too many times and your stunting growth
Transplanted 2 days ago, looks to be recovered already since it started growing again.

The other one I just transplanted earlier tonight.


Well-Known Member
actually just leave em in there for a couple days to see how they react, have you watered in the new containers yet?


Well-Known Member
ok well if the tips start turning yellow the soil has too much nutes if not leave them in unless that soil takes longer than a week to dry out