Did I screw my soil mix up?

Well, I started by overwatering and then went to underwatering. I bought a ph/moisture meter today to help prevent any further screwups.

I have 2 plants in self-watering pots so I have been watering from the bottom since about 2 weeks in. I wanted to make sure I had good drainage in my soil so I made it 50/50 organic soil and perlite.

When I soaked the soil today because it was really dry most of the way down. I noticed alot of runoff in the bottom. My question is is this mix going to work? I can't tell if it ran off because it was so dry or I have too much perlite.


Active Member
shud be ok, good drainage is a good thing, myself i would have used less perlite along the lines of 70/30 but shud be ok id say
just try and tune in a good watering routine for you soil mix.
hope it helps
Thanks, littlewing. Should I worry that the soil is bone dry at the moment? I mean, I doused it pretty good today but most of it ran through. Moisture meter reads just into moist from dry, how can I water so not to overwater but saturate the soil a little bit again?


Well-Known Member
You can grow in 100% perlite. With lots of perlite in your soil you will have great aeration but little moisture holding capacity. The more perlite you have the quicker the soil will dry out. There isn't much you can do now except transplant into a mix that has less perlite or more stuff that holds moisture like vermiculite or sphagnum peat moss. It will be very difficult to overwater your plants with a lot of perlite in it. If your soil is getting dry then it's time to water it. Doesn't really matter if you have to water once a week or 3 times a day. Don't let your soil get bone dry. You want it to have some moisture so the roots don't dry out or so you don't cause stress from underwatering too often.


Active Member
No your plant needs a little bit to suck up some of that. My best advice is taking some horse manure from your local farm, Not cow manure, Do as follows -

Dig a hole
Put all the dirt aside
Do 1 layer of horse manure
Then 1 layer of moist dirt
Then 1 more layer of horse manure
And 1 more last layer of dirt or bat guano, Your choice. Have fun. (The horse manure is a good because it keeps the water inside and feeds your plant water and nutrients from the horse manure at the same time.)