Confused and looking for a post/thread (Total n00b!)


Active Member
I was monitoring PH, BUT, did not use my head, I was using water from a water softener (salt based) and had too much sodium in my soil!!!

Flushed 'em and once stable, went with Fox Farms nutes..Plants are doing MUCH better, but are still on very light nutes and even then, have not had much yet.

They will go on a regular diet after their next watering tomorrow.



Active Member
So, I found some disturbing sites with my crop. Leaves with mold on them. It looks like the fan was not penetrating all the way to the back plants and the humidity was to high. I purchased a 50 pint de-humidifier and got it setup. Works pretty well. The output fan is pointed on my HPS, the circular fan is now oscillating across the plants and I can see the back plants receiving fresh air.
Since the plants lower/base were obstructing sooom uch air flow, I decided to prune since rotating the plants every couple days was not helping any.
Also have to tie up one plant since I found it this morning leaning over. That plant was one of my very first and was streetched from the get go, so, no surprise there.

As well, been miserable with all the rain. We had some bad down pours and water got into my grow area..Again, teh de-humidfier is doing a nice job of keeping that in check..



Active Member
So I pulled out the plants to find and get rid of dead leaves and hangers, check for mold and fungus, etc.....The larger plants are healthy enough but are top heavy and leaning pretty good (lesson learned? Don't let them stretch in veg!).
Also, got some nute burn recently. 'Nother lesson learned, don't ever go to full feeding per FF's instructions. The plants got a couple very heavy waterings this week to flush some of it out. Burn looks to have stopped. I'll re-start some very light nutes next week.
Also, think my PH is off a bit (which probably aided in the burn). I need a new water test kit. Will get that tonight.

Can't post pics right now, will try later.


Active Member
Still have some imbalances with nutes. I went a week with heavy watering flushing out the plants soil. Re-adding nutes but much lighter at this point. Also added some epsom salt whereas a believe my PH was off for a couple waterings and I got a zinc diff.



Active Member
I got the plants stable again, deficiency and nute burn have stopped in their tracks thanks to some Epsom salt.
VERY, very light feeding today with FF, but a heavy water as well.
Humidity is an issue and the de-humidfier is running quite a bit. I am managing to keep it down around 60% and it gets lower in the sleepy hours (45-50%).
Heat is not so bad surprisingly.
One of the small girls went hermi on me. Most likely due to a light leak I had not taken care of appropriately. Lotsa seed on her. Made the decision to just whack it, trim and dry it for making hash with. Kind ofa bonus, I can use it to test my dry/cure room and make sure I dont get mold while drying. Will see how it goes as that is one of my greatest fears at this point is screwing up my crop during drying (I could harvest NOW and have some nice buds; so I better get prepared for the finish!)
Couple other of my lagging plants I decided to experiment wit and trim WAY back to see if the buds and smaller flower on those stems would suck up more of the energy. I doubt it, but worth a try. The fan leaves on the two smaller leaves suffered from the zinc/nute burn issues anyway, so what the hell...Worst case, pincher buds.

I trim some of the low level stems here and there and when they have small flowers/buds and decent tric's, I dry them. Smoked a couple hits last night and I was floored..Good head high, not too narcotic feeling; loved it. Gonna do it again tonight.

No pics this go around, will wait till Sunday for officially "WK 7" 12/12 flower.

Oh, and this thread has me stoked about starting my second batch this weekend:
Kudo's to our fellow grower!!


Active Member
Thanks man, I appreciate it!

So check this out, in all my infinite wisdom (which still isn't much), I full on created my nute burn. FoxFarms Big Bloom and Fox Farms Flowering Nutes use different methods of measure. Flowering Nutes called for 2-4 tablespoons per gallon while Big Bloom calls for 2-3 teaspoons per gallon. Guess what yours truly did with Big Bloom? Yup, you guessed it, used it by tablespoon instead of teaspoon! Sorry to my girls, bad mistake.

Still re-enforces my belief in this plant. It is amazing how hardy it is and how quickly it can recover given the RIGHT conditions.


Active Member
If you read one of my last entries, I screwed up my plants a bit with nute burn by mis-reading teaspoon and tablespon on FF TigerBloom. Won't be THAT again...

Some pics from wk7.

Tried to get some with the loupe, damn, that is harder than it looks to do!!!



Active Member
So, I had a low hanger with some nice lil nuggets on it. I cut it off and did a quick steam dry on it. It's harsh, and not fully flushed and was cut at about 7 weeks @ 12/12. Well, my girl smokes out with me with that trim right? She got screwed up off it. I took four hits of it last night and was in la-la land (and loving it!!! Damn; Dark side of the Moon sounded great last night! Tool surprisingly enough really brought the buzz to fruition, but I digress).
So, Since the plants still have a week more at least, I told her I would cut the cola on that plant for her when it was getting close to being ready as to give her some smoke a bit lighter in THC. I didn't take pics of the trich's, but the were nice and clouded; but not amber yet. Should be some good smoke for her in a month or so.

At any rates, pics are attached. Please don't pay attention to the date on the pics, I fuq'd up setting the date..

The other girls have more time to go and I am looking forward to see how much further they bulge...

Let me know what you think of my first cola?? I am proud since this is my first grow ever and I actually produced buds! And buds that get me high!!! (I should note to, I just cut the cola. There are still nice stems growing/budding that were no where near ready. Hope they continue to grow with such a harsh cut to the plant. Time will tell.

Second grow just got germinated and planted. Currently cooling their feet (day 1 veg) under flourescent bulbs. They will get moved into the grow room shortly (maybe a week). I am going to put them into 12/12 straight away with the big girls as they are finishing up. Why not I figure.. Based on this one cut I just did, I am going to have plenty of weed!!

