Help diagnose my plants

I'm growing in MG organic with 2 months of plant food under a 400w HPS. Temps are between 74-84, humidity 40%. One on left is 10" and one on left is 7.5" Initially overwatered so it stunted their grow for about a week.

My leaf tips are turning up them yellowing then browning and dying starting at the bottom working upwards. Top node is doing fine and continues to grow about 0.5" per day. Alternating nodes are begining even on the internodes where the early leaves died. Also, the right plant (the smaller one) has leaves that died but no curl on the current leaves no that the watering is ok.

45 days from sprouting. From what I've seen on here this is really slow growth. I'm stuck in my diagnosis between too much nutes and salt buildup.

I've only given nutes one time about 1.5 weeks ago during a watering. I'm confused because the soil package indicates 2 months of food. So, is it nute burn or not enough nutes?

Please realize this is my first semi-informed grow so I have done research but no first-hand experience with what I'm doing.

First pic shows the bottom early leaves which died. Second pic you can see the leaves curling up (barely sorry).



Active Member
I really wouldn't recommend miracle grow for a lot of reasons main being that it already has nutes in the soil so it would have been better to flush out the soil then add your own nutes but it does look like you have nute burn going on! Do you have a PH meter to test it?
Yeah, ph is around 6.8-7.0 (my meter is cheap) for both pots right now so I don't think it's nute lockout from the ph. I haven't flushed since I started mainly because I'm worried about overwatering again. Still, if it is salt build up wouldn't it look similar to nute burn?

Also, I didn't flush before starting these but I did thoroughly soak the soil and had about 1 pot's worth of runoff.


Well-Known Member
ok so, it isnt nute burn if you are using organic mg soil. there are not any ferts in mg organic soil. salt build up will make your leaves curl. and the whole plant will be malnurished and dried out and will stop growing. if you havent started giving some type of nutes than you should start. on a semi regular basis give it nutes. but make sure that you are using miracle grow organic and not reg miracle grow. and for watering just make sure the soil is damp. not sopping wet.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah salt build up is caused by using too much fert and not having enough just water days. so feed your plant, but some days just give it water. a good way to avoid salt build up is by using organic ferts (worm castings, bat guano) or liquid ferts rather than chrystal ones.


Well-Known Member
i would avoid soil with preloaded ferts

they look like they've been over nuted, which could be the case but it's hard to know with you not personally controlling nutes

i can't think of any way to correct it, if that is the issue
I'm only posting this because I think others can benefit from my retardation.

I went to flush my soil today and took off the bottom piece of the pot and, low and behold, I saw 2-3 roots sticking out into the bottom.

So, I don't know for sure if this was the cause of the leaves dying but it sure wasn't helping.

Going to transplant into 4 gal pots as soon as my lights go on.

:roll: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'm only posting this because I think others can benefit from my retardation.

I went to flush my soil today and took off the bottom piece of the pot and, low and behold, I saw 2-3 roots sticking out into the bottom.

So, I don't know for sure if this was the cause of the leaves dying but it sure wasn't helping.

Going to transplant into 4 gal pots as soon as my lights go on.

:roll: :mrgreen:
oh yeah, unless you come into this with a vast knowledge of horticulture you're going to make mistakes. so long as you learn from them and change it's all good. i've cocked up a thousand ways lol but i still insist on looking at the positive, ha

so you had overnuting and rootlock lol i've had that, when you get them into the new pots (i assume you're using relatively nute free soil) chuck in a little fert that's high in nitrogen, only use a small percentage of what the package advises