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  1. DarkSarcasm420

    stressing fem plant for male flower!!!

    was just reading through this thread and noticed the words colloidal silver. this is also used as a cure all by many people. it has been shown to decrease the effectiveness of the HIV virus. i actually met a couple that both used this and never had any effects of the HIV virus after having had...
  2. DarkSarcasm420

    how long does it take to show sex?

    24hrs. when you start flowering start with a 24 hr period of dark then 12 light 12 dark 12 light and so on.
  3. DarkSarcasm420

    2 poor gonna use clfs wat kinda and how many?

    get at least two per plant. also get some 2700K spectrum CFLs. this is the red spectrum which will help alot when you get into flowering. get some kind of reflector to make you lights more efficient. make sure they are 100w equivalent. i have six plant under these VVVVVVVV
  4. DarkSarcasm420

    Online seed question

    if you want to make sure there female get femenized. you may get females from other seeds but there not guaranteed. nirvana does ship to us as does the attitude seed site.
  5. DarkSarcasm420

    new grower

    ask something and well be able to help better. theres too much shit to just say " i need help " with what do you need help.
  6. DarkSarcasm420

    4 23w CPF lights sufficient?

    do you mean CFL i guess Compact flourescent lights and CPF compact flourescent could be the same. well for seedlings i would only keep them under that little of lighting for at most two weeks. i have at least 1 CFL per plant. as they get larger the lights will not be sufficient at all.
  7. DarkSarcasm420

    slow start.......?

    yea, sounds a little slow to me too. take some pics. you probably need more lighting and make sure its pretty close to the plant itself.
  8. DarkSarcasm420

    Leaving lights off for 1 day

    by suckers i hope your refering to the cotyledons. and there not suckers. they have no suction to them. there just preleaf photosynthesizers. every plant has them. youll be fine. just make sure they are moist and go have a good time. make sure as soon as you get back you check them. whether...
  9. DarkSarcasm420

    Hi and a Question from a new grower

    oh and try not to grow in just peat moss. go get yourself some MG organic and mix it at least 1/2 and 1/2. then add 1/3 of that in perlite for aeration and water drainage, bad wording sorry.
  10. DarkSarcasm420

    Hi and a Question from a new grower

    well first off, welcome to the community, and to answer you question i would not feed everyday. only feed when watering and if you water everyday youll get root rot. dont start ferting until at least three weeks into the growth cycle. and only start with 1/2 strength and work your way up. hope...
  11. DarkSarcasm420

    How close am I to harvest

    very nice job with those CFLs. im doing a grow now with 6 plants. well 5 possible females. one turned out male. mines a CFL grow too. i was just wandering. what was the weight off of that first plant you harvested. and have you started curing it yet.
  12. DarkSarcasm420

    hey dirt!

    i use Miracle grow. i dont see what people have against it. its cheap and itll feed your plants for about the entire cycle. then you can reuse it and then start using nutes. ive never had any trouble with it. i also like to mix my MG with MG organic sometimes too. this reduces the amount of...
  13. DarkSarcasm420

    First Time Growing

    this is what i have going. if your just trying to do a few plants. for now i have 6 26 w cfls. one is positioned right over each plant. i plant on getting some y splitters sometime here soon when they get a little taller but for now this is working.
  14. DarkSarcasm420

    new seedling

    what t-man said. your gonna want to pile the dirt around the stem pretty close to thse cotyledons (the bottom leaves) so that the plant does not fall over. a fan will really build stability as well. dont put it on too high of a setting tho. start on a lower setting and work your way up.
  15. DarkSarcasm420

    First Time Growing

    how much light are you using. if your just using the one bulb youll need to increase the amount of light it gets. try getting some CFLs or a couple flouro tubes. your plant looks very healthy only issue is its a little stretched. i would put a fan on it to build strength in the stem and also it...
  16. DarkSarcasm420

    first time Ghetto Grow, New Pictures

    ahhhhhh. theres a white lighter being used. other than that, congrats on your well developed ghetto grow.
  17. DarkSarcasm420

    Bagseed 33 Days Flowering TrichCheck in this mother?

    i would post up the sativa plant if you havent already. it looks like the plant might not be able to support the buds for much longer weight wise. the plant might bend really bad or even break and fall. better safe than sorry.
  18. DarkSarcasm420

    the most ghetto grow ever

    you probably spent more cash and time than i did.
  19. DarkSarcasm420

    Larger More Flavorful BUDS

    if you do this too early in the bloom phase then the plant will not continue to get larger. consider when the plant gets root bound. does it continue to grow. no it maintains and attempts to find more space for roots. so if the roots are unable to grow then the plants buds will not grow larger...
  20. DarkSarcasm420

    CFL rigging?

    i personally would reccomend going up to the larger CFLs if your going to stick with them. ifyour jsut experimenting then the househod ones will do.