Leaving lights off for 1 day


Active Member
Hi I just planted my seeds yesterday. I have everything under control, lights, venilation, etc. Tommarow i plan on going to my gfs house and spending the night:))))))):hump::hump::hump: and wanna turn my lights off cuz i dont want my roommate to see a light coming from my closet or a fire going down haha cuz then im fucked harder then ill fuck my gf tommarow night haaaaaaaaaa:)

What will turning everthing off do to my seeds?
Shud i leave them on for portion of a day?
shud i keep the fans on?

Please Help


Active Member
i tried germinating but they wudnt crack open.. i bought them off some fagget at my school and im 75% sure they are fake but ima try it out. Why not ya know? Ima give em a week and if they dont sprout im kicking some ass. haaha :)


Well-Known Member
I prefer to germ my seeds in the old wet paper towel on top of the frig thing. Then plant them, since this cuts out the guess work or a week spent waiting for something that may or may not a happen.
If they have not broken the surface, they don't need light yet - unless your closet is cold & the lights are on to help to keep the soil temp in germ range (60 to 70 degrees).
If your closet is warm - without lights - fear not - go get some......
Hope this helps....


Well-Known Member
They won't start growing beyond sucker leaves til they get light. The stem w/suckers can get pretty long in an attempt to find light... having absolutely none in the process.


Well-Known Member
by suckers i hope your refering to the cotyledons. and there not suckers. they have no suction to them. there just preleaf photosynthesizers. every plant has them.

youll be fine. just make sure they are moist and go have a good time. make sure as soon as you get back you check them. whether they have sprouted or not, when you get back, give them light.