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  1. DarkSarcasm420

    does this mean anything

    they could just be a little less mature than the first. give them a little more time to see for sure. but you have the first female. and thats all you really need. you could keep a grow gowing perpetually now if you kno what your doing.
  2. DarkSarcasm420

    Bump If You're Baked!

    first B-Rip of the day. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Bump
  3. DarkSarcasm420

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Bump, and in 20 minutes im smokin another
  4. DarkSarcasm420

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    the first three pics are some stuff i picked up a coule weeks ago. the rest of teh pictures are of what i have now. the first batch tasted very lemony and the second batch is a little outdoor tasteing. im thinking that it just hasnt been properly cured. it still smokes very well. 1-2-3 are...
  5. DarkSarcasm420

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    i hear that purple weed is simply getting the temperature really low just before harvesting for like a week or two. the purple is the effect the low temperature has on the new growth of the plant. maybe its due to the lowered ability of the plant to photosynthesize meaning it cant produce as...
  6. DarkSarcasm420

    should i use this plant bulb??

    i would stick with the CFLs your using and if you want to make additions dont add any of those GE plant lights. there just soft/blue incandescent bulbs. they would work for veg only and they would triple your power usage if you doubled your light with them. if you think you need more light i...
  7. DarkSarcasm420

    am i close?????

    yea pics would be really helpful. are you measuring the color of the trichs on the leaves and buds or are you talking about the hairs growing out of the buds that were originally a clowdy white color.
  8. DarkSarcasm420

    Anyone Else Fell Like Cali?

    the point of legalization at state levels and county levels is to show the federal govt that certain areas of the country are supporting it medical use and understand that its illegalization back in the day was bogus anyway. the more the country legalizes in states and counties the more...
  9. DarkSarcasm420

    Anyone Else Fell Like Cali?

    i want a link. let me see the actual article.
  10. DarkSarcasm420

    People with higher IQs are less likely to believe in God, according to a new study.

    well to that i can say this. Education was created to control the masses until they have the ability to control themselves properly. prison was created for those that cant learn to control themselves. oh and to the religion doesnt ask questions. how do you think they were formed. religion was...
  11. DarkSarcasm420

    Fan Leaves on Big Bud, WOW

    thats nothing to what youll see later. thell be bigger than you hand. easy.
  12. DarkSarcasm420

    Weird phenomena

    OH YEA, im definately watching it.
  13. DarkSarcasm420

    What do you guys think the dry weight yield will be

    if properly done an average of about 2-5 lb per plant giving you about 100 lb to 250 lb. thats just a guess tho. this is in prime growing conditions tho. youll get alot more from properly grown outdoor plants than indoor plants. so about 1600 Oz - 4000 Oz so about 44800g - 112000g Dry...
  14. DarkSarcasm420

    Weird phenomena

    so i had a male plant and let it live for a while. noticed that it hermied, then i cut off the balls i could find. i have been watching it for about two weeks now and i have been unable to find any other male flowers. is is possible that a male plant can hermie then fix itself, into the opposite...
  15. DarkSarcasm420

    growing outward instead of straight up

    if you really want to do that then top the plant in a week or two. once the plant gets more mature and the top of the plant gets further away from the lower branches, then you will start to see growth of the lateral branches. what is happening is the top of the plant produces a hormone that...
  16. DarkSarcasm420

    First grow issues

    reread and noticed that lower leaves are slowly dying. this is normal for a plant of that age. several of the lower fan leaves will turn brown and fall off from the lower sides of the plant as time goes by. you dont have a problem unless it starts happening to stems or upper areas of the plant...
  17. DarkSarcasm420

    First grow issues

    your plant could be root bound in the smaller cup already. try transplanting then wait about 3-5 days. if growth doesnt speed up then you have a different problem.
  18. DarkSarcasm420

    Bump If You're Baked!

    "baked like a cake?" "High as a kite?" "Everything is gonna be alright!!!!!" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BUMP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  19. DarkSarcasm420

    Mid grade...worth it or pics if u have some?

    your forgetting canibis ruderalis (im not sure if spelling is correct). there are more than sativa and indica. just grow your mids and take good care of them and they will turn out just as good as most other weed, most of the time anyway.
  20. DarkSarcasm420

    forced flowering

    itll flower when its ready. it that height you could probably flower anytime. some ppl flower from seed.